VANS Forum
General VANS chat topics ranging from other games to general chat. Feel free to create any threads you feel are relevant or beneficial to the crew.
10 topics in this forum
A place for Vansters to chat and post and for Catman to curl up and purrrrrrr.... Don't forget to Follow this thread if you want to know when someone has posted here.
Posting Pictures
by VANS Official- 0 replies
This thread is a quick guide to posting pictures on the forum and will assume you already know the basics of having to host your pictures elsewhere and paste the URL in your post. Where to post Remember that the VANS section of the website is currently private. Only the Home page is visible to non-members. If you want to promote us and interact in the public areas of the forum then post outside of the VANS area. If your pictures are for VANS members only then stick to posting in the VANS area. You may wish to do both, if so then spam in the VANS area and just post the best images in the public areas. We do not want to bore non-members with multiple photos o…
The Van Society Guidelines
by VANS Official- 0 replies
Membership Membership of the Van Society section of this website does not guarantee membership of The Van Society GTA Crew on the R* Social Club. Once we are happy you are a positive member of this group then a Van Society Crew invite will be sent your way. We reserve the right to terminate your membership to The Van Society section of this website and/or the Van Society Crew at any time without warning. Private vs Public Please remember that these forums are split into two parts. The VANS section is currently private, only members of this section (and Moderators) can see the posts made in this section. We may change this to 'read only' in the future for n…
Racing Rules
by VANS Official- 0 replies
At Van Society Events we prefer Contact racing over Non-Contact or Ghosting. To ensure we keep on racing contact it is essential to respect other drivers whilst racing. This will mean no dive-bombing corners to overtake a bunch of players, being especially cautious in the first corner and giving way to other drivers in certain situations and most importantly... if you are responsible for another player leaving the track or getting spun you should wait for them to regain their position before continuing. Check below for more a more detailed breakdown of our racing rules. Driving Standards will be enforced and expected of people. Most of this is common sense and s…
Use this thread to put forward and discuss ideas for GTA events. You can also secure dates for upcoming Wednesdays etc. We can kick off with Dave's Drag Fantasy and @Aslad's latest Off-Road venture.
Vans GT Sport Pictures
by Paulie- 20 replies
Some pictures from the VANS v FEAR Racenight.
The post Sunday Racing League appeared first on The Van Society - GTA Crew. The Sunday Racing League is a weekly racing event hosted by Domestic Battery starting on Sunday 3rd March 2019. All VANS members are welcome to come and join Season 1. Details: A season is 5 weeks (5 rounds). We run this on Sundays 21:00 UTC. Each round is four races. Points for place, points for fastest lap. Each round will take 60-75 minutes. Non-contact on all races. Each round every player will be given a few selected cars to pick from, all races will be with customs ON. Player use same car in all races each round. You will get the cars and the tracks 4-6 days befo…
Head 2 Head Playlist vs XDBX 1 2
by JuniorChubb- 39 replies
Hatch has asked us if we want to run a Head 2 Head playlist against Domestic Battery on May 1st for our regular Wednesday event... Hatch has agreed we will not use any combat based jobs for this night, but would like some air and sea races to go in with the racing jobs too. I was thinking maybe Sumo and that Car Darts R* job might be fun too if numbers allow, maybe some other similar jobs too. All players will need to have VANS crew tags active on the night, this will be arranged for any Wednesday night regulars who are not currently members. @doubleg213 @CatManDoza @Trashbags @Mark Verstappen @SkyeDave @Bkmoto28 @Aslad @Realjaysee @Road2FURY @Paulie @…
by JustHatched- 2 replies
Hey, I wouldn't normally post in a crew area that is not my own, but exclusive to VANS atm is a new feature that needs testing. Click Chatroom in the crew area nav tabs or click the link and check it out. I am still working on setup over all and working out in my head how to best implement the use of this so it will have little impact on forum topics/disccusions while allowing crews (or at least the active larger crews) better access to each other
After the fun we had on Saturday night and a few mentions of this afterwards I wanted to gauge how much interest there would be in running a regular night with them... How often: weekly, monthly, bi-monthly? What game: GT sport, GT sport and GTA? Or just wait a while and offer FEAR the same event that they offered us?
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