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Top content from across the community, hand-picked by us.

Time Trials 2019 - Round 02 - Mount Palomino
For those of you thinking "oh god not another slidey car" fear not, the next two rounds will feature mucho, mucho grip. 

The track is a mix of stunt track and original in-game tarmac with the layout very well built to run across the top of the gravel at El Burro Heights.


The only allowed car is the Schafter V12 which is available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $116k or free if you had the game on PS3.

The car will also be used in a Race Club night on Friday 26th April and hopefully later on in an ongoing championship idea I have.

Special thanks to the creator LancerEvoWRC who modified the track specifically for us to eliminate the chance of people taking runups.


Sunday 28th April 2019 at Midnight (GMT) and (UTC).



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  • 21 replies

What is your preferred weapon to use?
Which is your go to weapon when you have the option to choose what you want?


Mine is the minigun. I especially like to wind it up on crew head to head battles when using owned weapons. Long range, lots of bullets and just spray and pray.

If not the mini gun then the Advanced Rifle would be my next choice


For fun, the Musket is on top of the list for that, at one time I like to use it in Survivals to shoot down the helicopters
  • 4 replies

(Crew War) - XDBX vs STMT
XDBX and STMT are set to battle each other in a mixed playlist Sunday April 28th
  • 10 replies

Is RDR doomed at this point?
DO you think R* has messed with this beta thing for RDR to long to be even remotely as successful as GTAV? 

If so, can R* fix it to bring the hype back?


I think many have been turned away, I was highly optimistic about it but found I haven't had the urge to play for a few weeks. I do think if they ever add crew functions and editable playlists that will help. I think adding a creator and editor would be huge for RDR cuz I certainly think the creator in GTA is what has kept it going for so long.
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  • 17 replies

Benefactor Tourwenwagen Meisterschaft Open Night - 26th April 2019
Friday 26th April 2019 - 8PM GMT / 7PM UTC

This will be a tester even for an idea I have and have had for a very long time for an ongoing championship.

We shall be using the rather lovely Benefactor Schafter V12 and using a variety of tracks either replicating or inspired by old school DTM type tracks.

The aim is to have a test run and see how well the cars perform in a tight grid with several drivers.

The lobby will be up at around 7:50 to get people in and we'll launch the playlist around 8:15 once everyone is in.

Initially, we shall meet up at the Benefactor dealership in Vinewood.


And here is some classic DTM for you in the meantime.




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  • 26 replies

Sons Of Chaos [SoC]

SOCIAL CLUB : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/socc_mc/wall


- Genesis I || II  Exodus - (Description: Public Blurb)

In 2010, The Sons of Chaos MC would make it's debut in Grand Theft Auto IV : Online Multiplayer. 
Sebouzer, CiTi-ZEN, RedCrow, BarryWhiteJr, Conzo, MrPain, Zeus, Rocketman, Danger, amongst others ran the cold dark streets of Liberty City.
With the only intention of bringing liberty through chaos to the land that lay beneath their steel.

In just under Nine years of its original Inception. The Sons Of Chaos re-emerged, after being removed from activity for  nearly Five years.
Arriving on the opposite coast of which they were once born.
The San Andreas charter upraises with the same principles in mind.
The son of Barry White Jr,  "Cutty Christmas"
created the synopsis to bring back his fathers beloved club.

Restabilising the club In foreign land to which it had once known,
meant finding the right sons to fit the cut and fill the shoes of the San Andreas Charter.
He approached "The Lost King" himself, "TheWordIsMarc" 
to be the man behind the gavel so that he. Cutty Christmas. Could be the man behind the trigger.

Next he approached the "Billy the Kid" of the group, "Posh"
to be patched and ready whenever he could be called upon. 

The finding of "TheWordIsMarc"  +  "Posh" was no easy feat.
From 2013, Cutty had spent Six years grinding his way through. Watching brothers and sisters
fall to the cause which he gave his life to.
In order to bring back his fathers beloved club.
[Complete Chapter - Exodus - Available Soon]


The chairs are open and the patches are sown. But do you have what it takes to be.
A Son of Chaos?

- Current Charters & Status - 

[Current Status: ???]
[Established : 2010]
All Of The Original 20%ers Assumed Deceased


[Current Status - Active | Recruiting]
[Established : 2019]

[Please Contact :- TheWordIsMarc / LK-Cutty] 

President - TheWordIsMarc
Vice President - N/A
Sgt In Arms - Cutty Christmas [Son Of 20%er]
Secretary - N/A
Treasurer - N/A
Enforcer - N/A
Road Captain - N/A 

The Sons of Chaos MC [SoC] is looking for members who embrace the biker culture. We provide the opportunity to get involved in "Role-Play" & "Play as a Player" activities.
Have your spoke on your character and give us their story as you make your way through the world as a member of the Sons of Chaos! 

- ["Feet In The Dirt" Video / Breakdown] - 
[Coming Soon]

The Unfortunate Sons 

- Announcement -
[Coming Soon]

[More Updates & Announcements To Come - Stay Tuned!]


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A vid from the VANS XDBX Banger Racing Night from many moons ago...

Was a great nights entertainment, would be great to run something like this again and get those kind of numbers in game.
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SO, now you can change your PSN profile name, do you plan to?

I looked into it as I was considering altering mine a bit but the disclaimer stopped as I am unwilling to lose anything I had access to, paid for, or earned.

  • 14 replies

GTA V Time Trials - 2019 Prizes and Awards

Overall Winner - An Actual Physical Trophy plus a choice of motorsport memorabilia related prize (currently from two options of a signed Rallying book or a Renault Sport anniversary mug).

Highest Placed RSC Member - $20 Amazon voucher (donated by @Hatch)

There will also be a mystery prize donated by @JuniorChubb, except he won't say what it is or what for at this juncture.


As well as entry into the Hall of Fame (which I still need to sort) there will be a selection of Forum Awards/Medals distributed as soon as we finish the full list once Hatch is back from his time off.
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The Football Thread.
Somewhere to talk about the beautiful game. 

Its pretty well known that I’m a Leeds fan, this years Championship title is likely to go to either Norwich, Leeds or @Mythaga’s Sheffield Utd so it’s getting pretty tense as the season heads into the final weeks.

Leeds are feeling confident after a glorious 4-0 win over 4th place West Brom. Sheffield Utd’s response was a predictably dull 0-0 derby game with the other team from Sheffield.

Leeds are playing Sheffield Utd soon, this will be crucial in deciding who gets the second automatic promotion spot. 


Apparently theres other leagues in English and world football so feel free to talk about them too. 

  • 219 replies

PS4 Auto Testing - Friday 12th April 2019
Date & Time : Friday 12th April 2019 - 2000 (GMT) / 1900 (UTC)


Limited to 16 places maximum, although if we had 16 players I will drop out to just do some recording and photographs etc.

The night will comprise of 4 tests, one demo so everyone understands the format and then 3 timed which will be competitive. 


Each test will run as follows:

One "sighting lap" so everyone knows the layout and route they are taking (at the end of this DO NOT CROSS THE FINISH LINE).

One fast lap which should comprise your fastest lap of the race and will be your time for the test.

One final lap, which is just a free for all until everyone finishes.

The winner of the night will be the person with the lowest total time for the 3 tests. 

The vehicles for the tests will be as follows:

Test 1 : Issi Classic

Test 2 : Retinue

Test 3 : Futo

Ideally, it would be great if everyone had the cars already but if you are short of cash don't worry, we will run in GTA mode and be able to spawn cars in if necessary. 


Signups will be available only on RSC until the 30th March then available on GTAF as well so that I can give priority to RSC members.
    • Thanks
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Special Events - Santa Muerte Gang
Sometimes we do events with special themes, normally on Sundays. Instead of creating a topic for each event I decided to create a unique topic to share with you our events. As always, everybody can join our events, all you have to do is send a PM to ShelbyGR-1, fresow or VALL_es and we'll invite you to the event. Normally we announce them on Twitter and SocialClub so stay tuned to our social networks.

Here you can see photos from other events:

And an special mention to this poster, promoting one of our funniest events:


Social Club



If you want to play with us contact in PSN with ShelbyGR-1, fresow or VALL_es

We're waiting you
  • 8 replies

Post in GTAO Crew and Event Pictures
^From the above

Some from Chubb's Xero 3000 rally night.

And our Stock Car Auto Racing night. 🙂
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Fire & Fury - Santa Muerte Gang
Weekly combat event hosted by ShelbyGR-1 on Thursays at 21:00 GMT, open for clean players. Playlist with a selection of jobs from the community. The only prohibition is the use of the bulletproof helmet.

Here you can find some of our promotional art


Social Club



If you want to play with us contact in PSN with ShelbyGR-1, fresow or VALL_es

We're waiting you
  • 0 replies

GTA 3X$ Motor Wars 22:00 utc friday
Looking to run the Motor Wars tonight at 22:00 UTC. Open to all, not a crew battle, and I will try to fill up with randoms. 

I will invite everyone on my friends list, so if your looking to make money and lose sleep join in!

This is also a great way to stay awake for @pete_95973 bachelorparty that starts about midnight UTC.

@Waxman __007




I would be nice to see you and your crewmates there!
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Time Trials 2019 - Round 01 - American Grand Park
This is a track I have used for several events in the past and which always seems to be popular.

Although the Dukes is very stable in comparison to many of the other Muscle cars the track is mostly very fast and although big time can be gained the extra speed can mean some very simple mistakes prove very costly.


The only allowed car is the Imponte Dukes which is available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $62k or free if you had the game on PS3.


Sunday 7th April 2019 at Midnight (GMT) and (UTC).






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Van Society Midweek Motorsport
Van Society Midweek Motorsport

Every Wednesday at 20:00 GMT the Van Society holds a motorsport based event for its members and guests. The night usually begins with a meet up in free roam before moving on to a playlist of jobs and races.

Our events may include contact racing, performance testing, free roam games, themed race nights and championships. See below for details of our regular events…

Van Society Race Nights

Themed race nights featuring a specific class, manufacturer, vehicle, location or whatever else we can come up with. We race these nights with contact on and organised grids.

Mystery Car

Find the hidden car in free roam with some clues and hints from the host. Once the car is discovered we all purchase the car and take it to Los Santos Customs before launching playlist of races in the Mystery Car.

Top Gear Class War

Find the best in class as we test vehicles on speed, handling, braking, acceleration, value, style and more with each player in a different car from the same class. We finish the night with a few races usually swapping cars with each other so we each get to race very car on the night.

Top Gear Reasonably Priced Car

We pick a Reasonably Priced car to purchase in advance and race for the evening. The car will always cost under $100,000.

Top Gear Challenge

Take a vehicle (or 3) and put them through a series of challenges and races suited to that vehicle in free roam and in user created jobs. Dress to impress and make sure your car matches too.

Free Roam Events

We also occasionally abandon the races and spend the evening in free roam with Off Road, Impromptu Racing and Fugitive nights.

Get Involved

We run a mixture of public and private events here on RSC, if you are interested in getting involved just post below.

If you do not have access to our crew area on RockstarSocialClub.net you can check out our up coming and previous events on our website VanSociety.net.
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Daily Challenges
What's your opinion on these?

I quite like them in principle, it's giving me something to do and getting me to try a few things I don't normally do and even learn a bit more about the game. I have entered some free roam events for the first time. Not that impressed with them but worth trying (too many other players just going round getting kills rather than trying to do whatever the objective is). Also I never knew you could sell herbs to a doctor until I got a challenge to sell herbs.

Some aren't very challenging though. Like the above selling herbs / feathers / meat / pelts is simple. The easiest I have done is join a gun rush. That is literally all I had do, join it, not finish it. In fact I got kicked or disconnected from the lobby, didn't even start it and yet it still counted as completing the challenge.

Others are too challenging for me, like having to win a free roam event, it's highly unlikely I am ever going to manage that. Some are annoying, kill 5 players with a weapon I do not own. I don't see it being worth buying that just for these and I don't really want to do that in free roam anyway (unless I'm attacked and have to defend myself). If it can be done from a showdown then that's fine, but with the current system of course if you just join a showdown you've no idea if it's going to have the weapon you want available. 

I quite like the hunting specific animal / gathering specific herb. But they can take a lot of time and if I was just doing this for the gold and XP then it probably wouldn't be worth it. In the time it takes me to find the specific animals / plants and gather the right amount I probably could have earned more money just hunting / fishing anything and got more XP from a stranger mission.

I have only completed all 7 once and did not notice any bonus for doing them all. Anyone know if there are bonuses for completing them all, completing all for a week etc? 
  • 1 reply

How to maintain a successful crew
I'm gonna pass on what I've learned about maintaining a successful crew. I created Domestic Battery over 5 years ago and it is still running strong while many other crews have broken up or has just died with time. This can probably be applied in many ways to crews/clans of any game but I'm gonna reference GTAO since RDRO doesn't have a crew system in place as of the time of posting this.

First off you need to define some base philosophy of what your crew is - is it a free aim crew such as The Damned Brotherhood led by @ajbns87, or a racing crew like Van Society led by @JuniorChubb (I think VANS does more racing than anything else) etc.. etc.. And I say this because when people are looking for a crew they are looking for something specific alot of times. My crew specializes in nothing but fun and that works for us but may not work for hard core deathmatch players who do not want to do anything but deathmatches.

So let's assumer you have a dozen or so members, a good start to a player base, right of the bat you might be thinking about promoting people to Lieutenant or Commissioner and the fact is if you do not need to promote someone don't. And don't promote people based on friendship. Promotions should be done based on tasks/jobs needing managed in the crew, such as a recruitment official, events person, etc.. basically putting someone in charge of specific duties of the crew. Giving these jobs to friends based on friendship alone all to often will prove to be  disaster because they have not earned the spot and they will not do the job because odds are you are not gonna want to demote your friend. If they were never promoted to begin with then they can't be mad about a demotion, just sayin.

So how do you promote then? Who is putting in that extra effort in your crew? That's who you need to promote. That said not everyone performs well once assigned a role, but you never now till you try.



  • 1 reply

This Months Free PS Plus Games
Thought it might be an idea to have a thread to keep track of what games are free on PS Plus for the month...

Marches games for PS4:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

The Witness


Looking forward to CoD remastered, pretty sure we could fill a party with RSC members at some point this month.

Never played The Witness, anyone given it a whirl?

Feel free to add April’s games to the thread when they are announced.
  • 197 replies

Just sharing @omarcomin71‘s saved stream from the first round of the Sunday Racing League.
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How long have you been playing GTAO?
As the title says, And, if you had to start all over again would you?
I've been playing since 2 weeks after launch. I would not start over, can't imagine being a total noob in this game at the point it is in. Back then the biggest threats were Lazers and Rhinos and you didn't have to have a ton of businesses. I get ticked at my in game phone going off for the couple things I don't own, I would throw my controller at it if I had no businesses and it ran every 2 minutes.

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  • 33 replies

How do you deal with the griefers and trolls??
I have 3 basic methods of dealling with them..


If I am better than they are I keep killing them over and over and over till they leave the lobby.

If they are better than me, I am a camping king and can sit all day until the shot comes to my favor. When they get tired of getting killed by a camper and ride off I let them ride away then follow them, kill them and camp again. Rinse and repeat till they leave the lobby.

If I have my crew in posse we will kill them and anyone even close to the area till they all leave the lobby.

Note that 1 time in a posse of 5 we attacked someone over and over and he/she kick our rears from one end of St. Denis to the other....we deserved it.
  • 8 replies

GTAO Crew and Event Pictures
WIf you want to share pics of what your Crew gets up to when they get together in free roam, meet ups or events you can share them here.

I'll kick of with some pics of VANS when they get together for a Futo Nght...

    • Thanks
  • 39 replies

GTRC Monday Night Racing (GT Sport PS4)
Monday Nights 20:00 UTC PS4

Come and join us on Monday Nights for some fun and friendly racing on Gran Turismo Sport. We run themed nights and on going championships open for all. Livery creation for events is also encouraged so come and show your artistic flair too.

We have a range of hosts from different groups and crews including Mythaga, ajh_1990, Squirrel_Army and PaulieWantsBlood who each run slightly different styled events.

This week we will be racing Japanese cars and using Myth's Tyre Handicap System to level the playing field.

Just post below if you are interested in getting involved!

See you there 🙂

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