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Red dead vs GTA


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As far as single player goes Red Dead is far better than GTA, better story, better graphics.

Online wise I would say GTA is right now because it has alot more to do than RDR. But I think that will change once R* gets RDR out of Beta. 

It's purely a matter of opinion.



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Never played Red Dead but the impression I get is that Red Dead wins on single player experience but GTA has a lot more to offer online.

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I went into a second hand gaming shop today and among the racks of ps4 games they had a whole shelf dedicated to RDR2. Must have had around 100 copies for sale at £25. 

GTAO was sparse in the early days but at least it had racing as an option and even just randomly messing around the city in a car has some appeal. 

Trotting around on a horse all day might be fantastic for a niche few (my horse mad ex being one of them) but it doesn’t have the same broad appeal as racing cars. 

Rockstar definitely have to bring back Midnight Club. 

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1 minute ago, Squirrel said:

Rockstar definitely have to bring back Midnight Club

Midnight Club DLC for GTA would do me nicely...

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Yeah I started a swecond play through of RDR2, but have had to delete it fro MW remastered. Think I might trade in or sell

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Story mode wise, RDR2. I love a great story and this game provided it. Most of my past game time was spent on foot through nightmare towns/buildings and fighting monsters or looking for treasure so the car/horse debate (which is VERY worn out by the way) has no merit. That said the end game s*cked. I HATED having the character I spent so much time with......

While I enjoyed GTA V it had THE worst story of the series and that multiple protagonist junk was annoying.

Online is obviously owned by GTAO at the moment. Even the early version had more to do. It also had missions and such that didn't involve mindlessly killing one another.

I hate RDO so I'll just stop at that, lol.

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   If not for online, I wouldn't have played either.  I finished story mode in both games.  RDR2 tapered off by chapter 3 for me. GTAV was what I expected, with 3 different characters I can't stand anymore. I don't plan to complete story again in either, but if I picked it would be RDR2. 

   GTA online held my attention from the start.  All I do now is log on, sell old cars, buy new cars, play 30 minutes, repeat every 3 weeks. 

    RDR online is rough, but entertaining. Hopefully they get some better content soon.

   I would take GTA as my overall favorite.


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Red Dead Story was great, multiplayer is f*cking awful. 

They decided not divide players by aim preference, so practically speaking there's no merit to playing freeaim unless you enjoy getting killed, a lot. At the moment they are hiding the games limitations through the 'beta' mask. But there's a lot of backlash and disappointment, even being expressed from fanboys.

The modes are poor, without any choice on maps, they are dying in terms of player numbers, so if you join as a posse of more than 2 players you often end up on different teams. The combat modes also seem to be extended to 8 teams too often, meaning its spread thin, and what's inexcusable are the team colours, these are so similar, like two shades of f*cking orange!!! WTF.

GTAOnline isn't exactly perfect, but it's better in regards to the current state of Red Dead Online. The only improvement I think is the melee attack, that's been bulked out a lot in comparison. 

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1 hour ago, ajbns87 said:

hiding the games limitations through the 'beta' mask

Not played it as it does not appeal to me so it’s tough to comment, but that made me chuckle.

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RDR2 story was very good, the best story I've ever played.

Tried to enjoy the online part, but that's kinda hard to do with the game in it's current form, so I lost some interest and haven't played since before Gun Rush was added. It quickly turned into doing the same stuff over and over.

GTAO was far more engaging at launch, even with the issues, but it's hard to compare fairly with RDRO being still in 'beta', so I'll wait for more content.

However, I don't think RDRO will have the success or longevity of GTAO.

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I've still not acquired Red Dead 2 as the online doesn't really appeal to me (I personally think the Rockstar combat system is awful for PVP) so I saw little point in paying full whack for the game.

I have no doubt that the offline is awesome and that I will enjoy it when I eventually buy the thing, don't really think you can compare the two though overall as the concepts are so different and you can never really have the same scope for alternative play styles (i.e. racing, combat, flying, car meets etc.) like you can with GTA.

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Same as what most others have said for me. RDR better for solo, GTA for online-multiplayer.  Although I am still enjoying playing RDR-online it is essentially as an extended solo-game, doing stranger missions, gang hideouts on my own, quite enjoy hunting and fishing as well.  I am not yet bored of those, but they really do need to improve the proper multi-player aspect. The only time I really engage in anything multiplayer is doing some of the daily challenges or when someone bad enough for me to kill decides to attack me.

RDR online obviously has a lot of potential. To me, for it to be a decent multiplayer game it need as an absolute minimum the ability host a specific job and invite who I want to join , like in GTA. I really don't understand why R* have not done this yet. Some comparisons to GTA might not be valid, it is obviously a different game, but some of the things that worked in GTA they surely ought to put in RDR as soon as possible. Going forward if they give us playlists, a creator, and eventually include everything that the game has capability for, e.g. cart / stage coach racing, boat races, something like captures in GTA, then it could be better than GTA as a multi-player game.  I just hope they don't go for steam engine boosted explosive arrow shooting Pegasus horses. 




Edited by djw180
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I plan on playing the RDR2 storyline after school this May, but as far as online goes, I'll be back in GTA. There is a lot of stuff I've missed these past few months. I've heard a lot of negative things about RDR2 online.

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6 hours ago, wraignbow said:

I plan on playing the RDR2 storyline after school this May, but as far as online goes, I'll be back in GTA. There is a lot of stuff I've missed these past few months. I've heard a lot of negative things about RDR2 online.

RDRO isn't bad, it's just not complete yet. It'll get better

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  • 1 month later...

Over a month later and it is still pretty much the same boring game. Yet GTA has some new missions. R* just doesn't want to let go of their cash cow.

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10 hours ago, Sinister said:

Over a month later and it is still pretty much the same boring game. Yet GTA has some new missions. R* just doesn't want to let go of their cash cow.

The cash cow element plays its role... however RDRO was always going to be limited and the games suffers from that. I’m not sure what people were expecting from RDRO other than a big sparsely populated open world with little to do.

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7 hours ago, JuniorChubb said:

The cash cow element plays its role... however RDRO was always going to be limited and the games suffers from that. I’m not sure what people were expecting from RDRO other than a big sparsely populated open world with little to do.

This is true, no one I game with was ever expecting it to be GTA, but what we expected was to be able to have something similar to crew/private lobbies and the ability to do something as a crew. (there is a crew menu in RDRO but is is blank, it has been there since day 1 of online). I have played the newest game modes, however from a combat side they are pretty good for the most part, in alot of ways they are better than GTA deathmatches. But there is no way to make your own playlist.


So while being limited, if R* would just add crew "stuff" and make your own playlist of sorts then it would be 100% better than it is now.

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2 minutes ago, Hatch said:

This is true, no one I game with was ever expecting it to be GTA, but what we expected was to be able to have something similar to crew/private lobbies and the ability to do something as a crew. (there is a crew menu in RDRO but is is blank, it has been there since day 1 of online). I have played the newest game modes, however from a combat side they are pretty good for the most part, in alot of ways they are better than GTA deathmatches. But there is no way to make your own playlist.


So while being limited, if R* would just add crew "stuff" and make your own playlist of sorts then it would be 100% better than it is now.

No private lobbies?

That is pretty lame, hopefully not a foreshadow of GTA6 online. I heard Posses’s are limited to a handful of players too...

It does t help when a game of limited scope is limited further by the gameplay options.

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4 minutes ago, JuniorChubb said:

No private lobbies?

That is pretty lame, hopefully not a foreshadow of GTA6 online. I heard Posses’s are limited to a handful of players too...

It does t help when a game of limited scope is limited further by the gameplay options.

Posses is 8 people, more or less like a biker club in GTA. But actual crew stuff to do is non existent. No private lobbies, no free aim lobbies ( I know @ajbns87 has been very vocal about that). Basic stuff that RDRO doesn't have and it isn't content, the content is there (regardless of what some think) just no way to use it other than being a random against a bunch of randoms.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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35 minutes ago, Hatch said:

Posses is 8 people, more or less like a biker club in GTA. But actual crew stuff to do is non existent. No private lobbies, no free aim lobbies ( I know @ajbns87 has been very vocal about that). Basic stuff that RDRO doesn't have and it isn't content, the content is there (regardless of what some think) just no way to use it other than being a random against a bunch of randoms.

That is p*ss poor really...

R* have this same fetish with GTA, the strange need to push you to pay with randoms. It’s nice when you are at nursery/kindergarten but when you pay out hard earned cash to take part in an online experience you should be able to,pick and chose who you share that experience with... no excuse is really good enough to make me think otherwise.

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The lack of private lobbies in RDR2 isn't too much of problem for me because the map is so big and those who want to just kill other players tend to congregate in the same areas and are easy to avoid. It's the lack of choice in which game modes to play and who to play with that is the biggest problem for me. I would have thought that by now they would have introduced the ability to choose to play a specific job and be able to invite friends and crew only. I can't see why that would present any technical difficulties as it's what we can do in GTA.

My guess is either they don't want to do that and are never going to introduce it or they are keeping things as they are for the Beta stage because they want all their different game maps to be played equally to test them properly. I hope its the latter, but you would have thought they had been tested enough by now. What gives me some hope is when you play a job it says who the creator is; all Rockstar at the moment of course. That they do that implies at some point they intend giving us a creator to make our own missions and if they do that then surely they will have to lets us choose to play those and not get put in a randomly selected job. They couldn't have a system where lets say you choose to play a race and it just randomly selects from all creations no matter who made them.

I don't really like any of the game modes R* have made, at the moment. Racing is still pretty much all with the ability to shoot other players and your horse can still get killed from what seems like the slightest collision with a tree, fence, other horse etc. Combat to me is worse than GTA. You get just the same un-killable laggy players who get a head shot in before you even see them and this is made worse by the ability cards.

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