Created Deathmatches
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367 topics in this forum
The battle of Zancudo
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I can spend time on props and a smooth build for a race, or some idea of how s job could work. Yet in 99/100 it still is no fun. Seems i am missing that quality. So in order to keep it simple.. here is all firepower available in a simple tdm, no blips and all your weapons fully loaded. Weapons: RPG, Homing, Heavy expl sniper with heat aim, Proxies, and Combat MG mk2. Vehicles: Kanjali tank with railgun, APC with SAM (hold right to switch to SAM), Chernobog, a loaded jet with homing missiles and explosive rounds, and helicopter with barrage and bombs. And Lago Zancudo in between. All vehicles respawn, unlimited ammu, no need to reload, no blips on …
M/S Shotgun
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
16 players TDM on M/S Lann. Headshots and melee for extra points. Blip only visable when camping. 10 min. Vehicles locked. Shotguns only.
Three Sumos I
by Skorpion- 1 follower
- 3 replies
THREE SUMOS I Max. Players: 2-16 Number of Teams: Free-For-All Default Rounds: 1 Default Time: 10m:00s Average Round Time: Full 10 minutes Time of Day: 8:30am Weather: Foggy Weapons: Forced Only Published: 19 September 2024 Last Update: 5 January 2025 DESCRIPTION Battle on three platforms, using three different vehicles, changing every three minutes. The final platform will begin to shrink at three minutes remaining, and you have five lives! Red platforms are ONLY for when you need to change area! OVERVIEW A sumo style job with three platforms. Starting on the first in a Dune, then after three minutes the vehicle will …
Glory Holes 2: TDM
by kernalhogan- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Stick your barrel through the Glory Hole and prepare to be blown away. Grenade Launcher TDM modeled after Skorpion-AH's classic LTS, Glory Holes. [RSC Link] The idea came from players lamenting their sometimes very short lives in Skorp's original. Rockstar added the ability to create spawn points locked to a specific team, making this type of deathmatch possible. Teams spawn in separate towers, facing each other, with Grenade Launcher pickups in each room. Players cannot travel between levels of their towers, you're stuck on the level you spawn. Unfortunately, it's possible players to be blown up shortly after respawning. I tried several designs t…
Hay there darkness..
by Lann- 2 followers
- 1 reply
Amongst the dirt and hay, in the dark without blips, equiped with a stun gun, stone hatchet, flare gun and marksman rifle. Every sneaking farmer for themself.
30 seconds
by Lann- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Snipers only DM in a snow-covered desert around the Sandy Shores Airfield. Blip revealed if camping for 30 seconds, otherwise hidden. Thermal vision equiped. Free for all, first to 10 points win. Headshots and melee kill gives two points. 30 players.
Frozen Mt Gordo
by Lann- 1 follower
- 1 reply
New props to test. A frozen version of the small lake up at Mt Gordo. 10 min with Tactical SMG. Snow/xmas props in winter. Blips hidden unless camping for 4 seconds.
Midnight Oil
by Skorpion- 1 follower
- 1 reply
MIDNIGHT OIL Max. Players: 2-30 Number of Teams: Free-For-All Default Rounds: 1 Default Time: 10m:00s Average Round Time: ? Time of Day: Midnight Weather: Smog Weapons: Forced & Pick-Up Published: 11 November 2023 Last Update: 2 December 2023 DESCRIPTION This is NO TIME FOR GAMES. ONLY THE STRONG will survive in this battle to be the oil industry's KING OF THE MOUNTAIN. OVERVIEW Created for the Welcome to the PS5 creator event. This a Last Man Standing deathmatch in the style of a Battle Royale. After a period of time the play area will begin to shrink until it is so small that nobody can hide and a single winner…
El Mazra
by Dodge- 1 follower
- 1 reply
ps4 Coffey's Foreclosures
by kernalhogan- 2 replies
RSC Link This was made for a Creators Event hosted by Lann, where each participant was given a large section of the map to create a deathmatch. Forced weapon is the Mini SMG, with extra ammo pickups located around the map. There are Armour pickups located at each teams start point. This should be the areas that most players respawn as well. Player limit is now 20 players
Faggio Melee
by omarcomin71- 0 replies
A TDM with hatchet wielding Faggios. A team death match but is best played as a free-for-all. RSC Link :
Sumo Stunt
by Lann- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Classic sumo with a few twists. Each time you die you will respawn in a slightly ”better” vehicle. You may get ahold of a few Sticky bombs by performing daring stunts, harder stunts gives more bombs. You have 20 lives and will use up to 20 different vehicles. You cant exit your vehicle. 10 min limit. Free for all only.
Bombs vs AA Island
by Lann- 3 followers
- 9 replies
A TDM set as a LTS as default, but you can increase number of lives per player in the lobby. You may also set number of rounds and time limit. Dark aircrafts carry Standard bombs, white is cluster, red is incendiary, and green is gas. On the island the AA guns reach 500m compared to the RPG range of 300m. Playarea from just above water surface, so you will die in the water. The blips on the island are visible at all time, the ones flying are always hidden. All vehicles respawns, so if out of bombs just parachut down onto one of the bases. Still needs real testing to tweak balance. Right now there are regular AA, RPG against Rogue, Cuban…
Sniper Peninsula
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Foggy and night. First to 20 kills, change of weapons every 5 kills. Blips off. Time limit 10 min default. No teams.
Hangar 18
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
(PS5 only) A TDM using some of the Arena props, khanjali tanks, railguns, widowmakers, explosive snipers, sticky bombs and two bases. The tanks are set to 50% health.
Concreted Canals
by omarcomin71- 0 replies
The Vespucci Canals have been paved over and a deathmatch arena has been built in its place. RSC link:
Oppressive Tunnels
by djw180- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Vehicle Death Match on Oppressor Mk IIs, all within tunnels to stop anyone flying off. Following feedback on the first version of this I did try to put this within one of the tunnels already on the map, but the creator does not allow setting respawn points underground. So the tunnels are made from stunt props. Intended as a free-for-all but could be 2 teams if you like.
Eightball - Time
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
You have your car and a micro SMG, works as a TDM or DM. Night and traffic on, SMG set to 150% power. 10 min or kill-count. Your stuck in your car with unlimited ammo. Buccaneer Customs and Faction Customs. Spoiler
In Proximity of The Flash
by Lann- 1 follower
- 2 replies
What if you had super-speed, unlimited proximity mines and a bunch of Khanjali tanks coming for you while being off radar in the heart of Paleto Bay? 80/20 tanks/The Flash 2 lives each, first to win 2 rounds.
Sleepwalking (DM)
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Slowly walk around in the dense dark forrest with your stone-axe, what could go wrong? Limited to slow walking-speed and set to first person, no blips on the map, intended as a deathmatch (no teams).
Survive the hunt (Sandy Shores)
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
One player running without a blip heavily armed, while the others are hunting with their pistols. Runner only have one life, the team of hunters have 10. The runner have a Carbine, Shotgun and a Heavy sniper, the hunters cant combat-roll. First to win 3 rounds (so should be 3 rounds).
WaterWorld - Atoll Attack
by omarcomin71- 0 replies
This is a huge map based on the movie Waterworld. Two teams battle over a giant man made atoll. The team starting on the outside has vehicles to help infiltrate the structure. While the inside team has a few more weapons to help defend the impending attack.
North Vinewood Shoot-Out
by omarcomin71- 1 follower
- 2 replies
A Team Death Match based on the real life events of the confrontation between heavily armed bank robbers and members of the Los Angeles Police Department in North Hollywood, California, on February 28, 1997. RSC link:
Vespucci Suits
by Lann- 1 follower
- 0 replies
The Suits are being renovated and the entire block now serve as a playground for pistol and sawed-off lovers. 30 players. Two teams. Rather compact and will likely work well with a smaller group.
by JustHatched- 3 replies
I was waiting on a game to download, so i my hour of boredom I built this
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Rate the Last Film you Watched 2: Electric Boogaloo
Emilia Perez (2024) dir Jaques Audiard A multi award-nominated musical about a Mexican drug baron who always felt they were a woman born in a man's body. She fakes her own death and has gender reassignment, plus a lot of other plastic surgery, to start a new, better, life in a new identify. She is assisted in all this by her lawyer, Rita and tries to re-establish some sort of relationship with her wife Jessi and kids. Emilia is played by Karla Sofia Gascon (a trans woman) and has been nominated for best leading actress in the Oscars and Baftas. But I would say it is Zoe Saldana, as Rita, who is the main character. Both she and Selana Gomez, as Jessi, have picked up (supporting actress) nominations, as has the director, makeup artists, composers, producers, writers and others in technical roles. It could win all of those. I don't think it will, but I haven't seen that many films released last year yet. It seems to be one that you either love or hate. I suspect a lot of the hate is coming from people who are anti-trans and can't see past that aspect of the film. I liked it, the music and cinematography in particular. The acting was good, but I'm not sure if it was award-winningly good. I also think the script could have been better. It's just over 2 hours long but because it has so many musical scenes that, as is usually case in musicals, don't advance the plot the way spoken dialogue would, it felt to me like it ought to have been longer to fill in some missing details. The musical numbers were good though, sort of similar to a Baz Lurhman film, in that the actors singing them do not necessarily have a great singing voice but also with some scenes that just burst into a massive dancing and singing show that then goes back to dialogue afterwards. And a lot of it is not musical at all. There were a couple of cheesy scenes; one in-particular in a Thai gender reassignment clinic that Rita is checking out before finding the right one, did not make much sense to me. Maybe they were trying to say “this is the popular image of a s*x-change clinic, but in reality it's something far more serious”? Another slightly weak plot element is that Jessi does not recognise her former husband after the surgery. Of course that surgery has made some massive physical changes, that was the point, but even so, would you not pick up on some characteristics of a person you have been married to for years and had kids with? I can forgive that though, put it down to artistic license, in the same way I forgive William Shakespeare frequently making his characters unrecognisable to their friends and family just by doing their hair different and wearing a hat! 8 / 10- 3
Sandking River
Take your Sandking down the river, over rocks, water and sand. If you dont already own a classic like this, now is the time to get one. A lap is about 3 min 30 sec. 2
Rate the Last Film you Watched 2: Electric Boogaloo
What I Watched This Week #162 (Feb 3-9) The Servant dir. Joseph Losey/1963/1h56m James Fox plays rich Tony who is looking to hire a manservant. Enter Hugo Barrett (Dirk Bogarde), who seems perfect for the job. Things get even better when Hugo insists his sister Vera (Sarah Miles) be hired as maid. But things soon get dark as Hugo becomes more and more malevolent towards Tony until finally the servant becomes the master. This is a brilliant slow-burn of a thriller with an incredible central performance from Bogarde as the insidious Hugo, slowly breaking down Tony with scary precision. He is one of the most slimy, scheming pieces of sh*t I've seen on film. There's a strong theme of the class divide being flipped here, with the working class Hugo dominating the upper class Tony. There's also a strong homosexual subtext to their antagonistic relationship, with Hugo using his sexuality like a weapon at times. The direction really adds to the atmosphere, especially in the use of a round mirror which is prominently featured in several shots, distorting and twisting reality. 9/10 Lime's Film of the Week! Ratatouille dir. Brad Bird/2007/1h51m This Paris set film is the second Pixar movie from Brad Bird, after The Incredibles, and stars Patton Oswalt as Remy. Equipped with an almost supernaturally sophisticated palate he dreams of becoming a chef, spurred on by the words of the world famous Gusteau - “anyone can cook”. This is especially meaningful for Remy as he also happens to be a rat. Teaming up with the incompetent Linguini (Lou Romano) the duo become a lean, mean, cooking machine, which they'll need to be in order to impress misanthropic restaurant critic Anton Ego (Peter O'Toole). A big step up from Cars when it comes to story and character, this does however feel overlong, with several plotlines vying for space. I like the central pairing of Remy and Linguini, and the way Remy controls him – sat on his head and pulling his hair like a crane operator – is always funny, and led to one of the best payoffs for a joke in a totally different film from over a decade later, Everything Everywhere all at Once. It should go without saying that the animation is exceptional, and Pixar still has that magic when it comes to sincere emotional moments. Here it's when Ego tastes the titular dish and is transported back to his childhood. 7/10 The Stranger dir. Orson Welles/1946/1h35m The legendary Orson Welles directs and stars in this post war noir thriller about a war crimes investigator, Agent Wilson (Edward G. Robinson), hunting down a n*zi hiding out as a professor in a small American town, Franz Kindler/Charles Rankin (Welles). Only Welles's third film, this is quite different from his first two in that it's fairly straightforward narratively and structurally with none of the formal experimentation of Citizen Kane or The Magnificent Ambersons. But that's not to say that this isn't a masterfully crafted film. The use of shadows really adds to the tension and there are some long takes lasting several minutes that are so well staged you hardly notice that there's not been a cut. Robinson is a good lead as the persistent investigator feeling his way around town, but it's always Welles who steals the show, his commanding presence filling up the frame. Not the masterpiece like Citizen Kane or his later films like Chimes at Midnight and F for Fake, this is still an enjoyable thriller that had me on the edge of my seat at the end. 8.5/10 The Face on the Barroom Floor dir. Charlie Chaplin/1914/12m This very early Chaplin short is quite unique in his filmography in that it's an adaptation of a poem, with the lines of the poem used as the intertitles. He plays a heartbroken artist who has just been dumped by his girlfriend Madeleine (Cecile Arnold), and is now drinking himself to oblivion in the local bar, drawing her portrait on the floor with some chalk. This may be the first time in his career where he focuses more on the melodrama than the gags, though there are some of those here too, mostly involving drunken pratfalls and arguments with the other patrons of the bar. Well made compared to other films of the era, and Chaplin's charm always shines through, this still feels underdeveloped with some polish needed on both the dramatic and comedic elements. I do appreciate the originality though. 5.5/10 Perfect Blue dir. Satoshi Kon/1997/1h22m The debut film from Satoshi Kon – who went on to make the absolutely bonkers Paprika, a major influence on Christopher Nolan's Inception – Perfect Blue is an anime noir thriller about a young popstar, Mima (Junko Iwao), who leaves her famous girl group in order to forge an acting career. But soon she suspects she may have a stalker and the people who have been helping with her new career start turning up dead. This gives off big David Lynch vibes, from the dread-filled atmosphere, the unconventional narrative that at times refuses to give answers or explain things clearly, but especially in the theme of split identities. Mima struggles with the disconnect between her real self and the idealised version that her fans obsess over. The animation is excellent here, with some really effective sequences as Mima spirals further into paranoia. An excellent thriller that feels quite unconventional for an anime film. 9/10 Golden Eighties dir. Chantal Akerman/1986/1h36m The director of Sight and Sound magazines greatest film of all time, Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, brings something I wouldn't expect from her, a poppy, pastel-coloured musical centred around a hair salon in that epicentre of 80's social life, the mall. The plot concerns a love triangle between Lili (Fanny Cottencon), the flighty salon manager who's having an affair with the owner, an older married man, Mado (Lio), who works in the salon, and Robert (Nicolas Tronc), the son of the owners of a clothing store across the mall from the salon. Vibrant and full of life and energy, this reminded me of the Jacques Demy musicals of the 60's like The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. The use of colour and the costuming is amazing, and I love the artificiality of the setting, really matching the vibe and the time period. The music is excellent, though I wouldn't call them songs, it's more like sung dialogue, again like the Demy musicals. The performances are all good, but the standout is Delphine Seyrig who plays Robert's mother and gets a substantial subplot of her own. If you don't like musicals then you won't like this, but I do, and I think that this is a lot of fun. 9/10 The Dark Tower dir. Nikolaj Arcel/2017/1h35m Stephen King's Dark Tower is an epic seven book fantasy saga set in a bizarre world that's a mash up of western, sci-fi, horror and everything in between and tells the story of the last gunslinger, Roland Deschain, and his quest to find The Dark Tower, a structure that stands at the centre of all worlds, in order to protect it from the embodiment of pure evil, The Man in Black. I've read it and I love it, and this film, which attempts to adapt all of that in a single 90 minute film, is a f*cking abomination. Imagine Lord of the Rings, but it's an hour long and they cut out all of the characters except Frodo, Gandalf and Sauron, got rid of ninety percent of the story and locations, and don't tell it from the perspective of the main character. Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey would make a good Roland and Man in Black in a totally different film with different writers and most definitely a different director. I am hopeful for the Dark Tower TV show though, because it's being helmed by Mike Flanagan, who made the much better than it should be sequel to The Shining, Doctor Sleep. One thing this film did do well is that it made me want to re-read the books, so I'm off to find my copy of the first volume, The Gunslinger. 1/10- 3