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Hello Party People...


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Hello Domestic and International Party People!!!

I borrowed this intro format from another user because I figured it was better than a summary...

But first I Just want to say thanks to Beez for making me aware of this place. So, thanks my bro! 


GTAF Username:  Day Reaper

Social Club Username:  ConGamePro

Gaming ID(s):  ConGamePro

Platform(s):  PS4

GTA MP games played: GTA Online

Other MP games played: None

Age: 42

Timezone:  EST

GTAF Activity:  Read threads daily. Post almost daily.

In-game Activity:  Deathmatch junkie. But always looking to improve and get better in other modes. 

Gang History on GTAF:  None.

How can you contribute to a gang/crew:  Team player. I love to kill when I have to. You need race wins to unlock a paint job, just ask. Just don't ask me to give you DM wins.

Tell us about yourself as a person:  Cool, calm, and collected. I hate injustice and cruelty.   

Tell us about yourself as a gamer:  Respectful and cooperative. I Like earning things legitimately. I don' t need to glitch to kill, as those "advantages" don't satisfy me whatsoever. I shoot an RPG at a camper and I still feel like it was a cheap kill. That kind of thing. Oh and I don't shoot at my crew or friends, EVER. Never understood that actually. 

Anything else:  I have a YouTube channel and Twitch channel both under ConGamePro. My YT channel was for private use as I used to review my Deathmatch performances because I wanted to get better, but once I got friends online, they asked me to keep the channel public so they could see themselves. Same thing with the Twitch. I look forward to streaming DBG events and loading them up to my YT channel. And no that was not a plug as I'm not about self-promotion and instead, team-promotion. 

I watched a stream of tonight's Wicked Wednesday and I cannot wait to be part of that and other chaos around here. 

1. What time zone are you active in? 

EST Time Zone

2. What are some of your goals/reasons for joining a crew? 

Have fun with like-minded mature gamers. I was the leader of my own small crew but most of them don't play anymore and I find myself with three other friends in empty DM lobbies because all the players are sent to Parkour matches and that has killed the fun we used to have in DMs. I don't want to stop playing the game. Afteralll, I bought it twice for the deathmatches.:gamer:

3. For 2 weeks our tags must remain active (during Vetting), can you abide by this?

10,000% yes. 

4. Will you be able to attend at least 1 event and/or game with the crew once per week and visit out site frequently?

10,000% yes. As soon as I get familiar with the forum, I will be more active for sure. 


Edited by ConGamePro
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Welcome the the home of the gaming crew known as Domestic Battery. We work hard to be a fun, mature, active, and dependable crew. We do however have some guidelines in place to ensure that we maintain the environment we have built. Please take time to read our Crew Policies and Guidelines. Feel free to ask any questions, we will do our best to answer them. Please note everyone here is human and on occasion it may take some time to get your crew invite out. Normally this is done within the first hour of your posting. Hope you get with the crew in game and have fun.


If you have joined the site to talk gaming but have no interest in joining our crew that is fine, you are free to join in any discussion you have access to (only crew sensitive areas are blocked), please click the above link to review the site rules.

The XDBX Crew

This is a generated auto reply merely providing valuable crew links to help you become a valued member of the crew and/or website.



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Welcome. My name is Dodge. PSN is Dodgeservice. I'm on PS3 and PS4. I am the Vetting Commissioner for XDBX. My Vetting Team and I are the ones responsible for new members, and their admission into the Crew. The Vetting Policy is explained in the Crew Policies and Guidelines, and be accessed by clicking the LINK in my Signature. Make sure you check them out. You will soon be contacted regarding Vetting by the Vetting Managers.

This website is the Focal Point, and Communication Hub for our Crew. It is an intricate part of how we maintain our integrity. So, Bookmark this website now, and visit it frequently.

Vetting Days are always on Wednesdays. Your 2 weeks period runs from the first Wednesday you are with us until the 3rd Wednesday you are with us. Depending on the day of the week that you became a member, your Vetting may run longer than 2 weeks. The days leading up to your first Wednesday count towards Vetting just like any other would. Your Vetting Period is scheduled to conclude on July 13, 2016.


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6 hours ago, Beez said:

Welcome. Were you able to see one of the streams of the playlist last night?

EDIT: Invite sent.

Hell yeah I was watching two streams as the list you shared, I didn't have access too but I did my own work and snooped around the profiles and found TrueLife on twitch right before you sent me the direct link to Mousey's stream.

i will accept the invite as soon as I log on to the SC.

Again thanks for suggesting such a cool place. 

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3 hours ago, JALJ said:

Great intro, welcome :)

Hey great shooting last night. 

During one of the DMs all I saw was JalJ Ended so and so.

At one point you killed like 5 people in a row. lol.

i think that was you. You were at WW last night right?

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So I notice not a lot of profanity in posts. Is that frowned upon?

I mean saying things like,

"the fucking X80 is a bad motherfucker."

not that I use profanity excessively but sometimes I like to use it for emphasis. 

Just wondering. And thanks for all the welcomes and stuff, sorry I couldn't "like" them all as I just found out I only get to give 15 likes a day. 



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59 minutes ago, Con said:

So I notice not a lot of profanity in posts. Is that frowned upon?

I mean saying things like,

"the fucking X80 is a bad motherfucker."

not that I use profanity excessively but sometimes I like to use it for emphasis. 

Just wondering. And thanks for all the welcomes and stuff, sorry I couldn't "like" them all as I just found out I only get to give 15 likes a day. 



As long as you're not offensive you'll be fine.  We're all adults here.  Sometimes a well placed curse word is exactly what is needed. ;)

Edited by omarcomin71
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