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Blaine County Beefcake


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Nice little map, there is an empty house which gave Nazril a good deal of cover while providing an excellent vantage point. Glad I was on his team ;)

Weapons and ammo were placed well as I didn't run out at all at any point (I like that) Cheers Dodge 

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We put it in the T/DM tester tonight Dodge and had fun playing it.


Only slight problem I noticed was with the spawn points on both far ends I think. I've witnessed 1 or 2 occasions of spawn killing there, though not sure why that happened, but probably because we were pretty spread out at one point and game just spawned us near an enemy there (5 vs 5), but it was OK later on when we stayed closer together.

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Nice location, the same as my Shotgun Blues ;)


It's the same issue here that I have on my map, you get that large fence that splits a part of the soundings in 2, but to be honest it doesn't bother me as I like to flank.

As Z mentioned there where some spawn kills, I got killed 2 times while spawning, both of them up in one of the corner's, so I believe I was unlucky, I don't think it's a issue, but that you'll find out after some more plays.


As far as I could see you went with an almost prop less version, and that was cool in these surroundings, good pickups, had no problem getting more ammo.

Can't remember anyone using the RPG though, so I'm a bit curios on what would happen when someone starts using that active in these surroundings.


I enjoyed it Buddy :)

Edited by RO9M
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I got spawn raped in this, dunno if it's small or spawn point placement.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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