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Intended to make this for a very long time. Has been sitting in my Saved section, working on it bit by bit. I ultimately decided to take an approach that's a bit unconventional now a days it seems and started anew.


This is a prop-less TDM. It's just you, the weapons, the area and your opponents.


Feedback is strongly encouraged. What works and what doesn't work.


Kortz Culture

Link: http://rsg.ms/df5982b


Edited by Casey
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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Was fortunate to play this twice. I think it works.


Of course it'd be far more entertaining with a full lobby but have to get it going somehow.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I think it would be very hard to tire of this map. It's good enough I would have just kept playing it even 3-5 times if anyone wanted to. I have a feeling this is one I'll use a lot even with randoms.

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This will be in tonight's PL.  Haven't played it yet, but I'm really looking forward to it!

I hope it makes the rounds in a few playlists. I really like DMs but I rarely find maps I really like. With just a few strategic weapon placements it's the perfect location. I really like maps with lots of high points and good ground cover and this area doesn't have to be modified to do that.

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Thanks for that. Spawn placement is something I always sort of had trouble with. I guess I just didn't understand it enough. I think I'm getting the hang of it.


It almost feels like I put no effort into it because it's prop free, but that's simply a direction I'm interested in at the moment. I know there's probably dozens at this exact spot, but I'm hoping this one works with the "R* map feel" going on with it. Plus it's a spot I think is just so cool that you don't need to do change anything with.

Edited by G37

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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A slower paces TDM with everyone heading for the rooftops.  Needs a large lobby, we had 12 and there was a lot of time spent looking for people and not much firing going on. 

Maybe bring the action a bit closer by having the weapons no so spread out but definitely a good 12-16 player map. Any less and you'll probably have to supply drinks and a few snack stops!  :lol:

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We needed a full deck of crew for this really, I spent a lot of time on the roof and couldn't find any weapons or people to shoot. Scored me a couple of kills and I found the suspense gave me a thrill.

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I really liked this actually, slower pace but makes a change from frantic close quarters fighting. Only got a couple of kills on the ground but I did spend most of the time sniping from the roof tops ;)

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Thanks for the final bout of testing.


This is definitely intended to be a bit slower in pace and have some suspense built in. There are really 3 levels.


Ground, terraces, roof tops. The pick ups are structured from the ground up in that sort of hierarchy, with most of them being on the ground and a few sniper rifles on the roof tops. This is intended to keep the fighting on the bottom half of the map.


Size wise it really is no larger than something like Paradise Alley. Especially if you're not one to really explore a map or haven't really been in an area before. Weapons on the map are also indicative of where the fighting "ought" to take place, a perimeter so to speak.


8 is bare bones here to get it going for sure. I think this one was built for me, if that makes sense.

Edited by G37

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I thought it worked well 3 on 3, but even with the space towards the end you, DC, and Rabbit kept all ending up right on me at nearly the same time and it gave me a workout.

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As with any map, I suppose the more players the better, but 12 was definitely enough for this one so I have to disagree with Casey (Sorry :))


I found plenty of people to kill :D

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Yeah but you 2 would find plenty of people to kill in a dark tunnel, handcuffed with blindfolds on. You are both evil! hahaha.

I still enjoyed this one G, please don't think that I didn't. You always make good DM's that's why there's normally always one in my playlists! :-D

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This is great, I like the big map area which makes it feel a bit less frantic and gives someone less skilled like me a bit of a chance.

There's nothing Id want to change on this one.

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The little I played this it seemed weary good.

I got kicked out after just 4-5 minutes so didn't get to explore the map to much.


I totally understand why you went prop less here.

A great place with natural hiding like pillars and corners and so on.

As mentioned It is quite good to sometimes play maps where you have the possibility to think for a few seconds.


I wont call it a slow one, will rather call it a tactical one.

Would be nice to play this with a full team with mics where you could do some more "tactical strategy" if that makes any sense.


Good job Buddy.

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I wont call it a slow one, will rather call it a tactical one.

Would be nice to play this with a full team with mics where you could do some more "tactical strategy" if that makes any sense.

This sounds interesting. Maybe in the (near) future. ;)


I spent most of my time exploring the map, went upstairs to pick up the sniper and actually found a couple of good sniping spots later on, but on the ground. Too bad there were no bodies to shot at or they quickly dissapeared behind the next pillar. I think I've met the other team 2 or 3 times. :lol:

It does feel like a  huge map, probably because theres more than 1 level of it and most of it is accesible. It really pays off to know the map layout before you play this one, especially when you respawn so you don't get lost.

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