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Welcome to the PS5 - a creators event.


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A creators event to kick off the PS5 version of the game on a broader scale.

This is for everyone, if you never been in the creator or of your a addict, join in!

To participate you will spin 5 wheels (links below). Each spinn will assign you a features of your creation:

  • First wheel will give you the job type.
  • Second wheel will give you the location.
  • Third wheel will give you a weapons and car, to use either or both exclusively in your job.
  • Fourth and fifth will give weather and time of day.

Spin each wheel once and post your selection in the thread. (Only spin once, as your selection is automatically removed after your spin, if you spin more than once you will start removing more options)

The site that host the wheels seem slow, i even needed to reload the page to see the wheel.

We allow 1 month to work on the jobs, and build to hold 30 players. We could try and host testing sessions during that month.

Get in!

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I have a question. So I’ve tried to build races but I’m really not good at them (I quit half way when I’m making one)….so 
Is it possible to just choose the type of job (deathmatch) and then spin the wheel for the other elements. 
I know it somewhat defeats the spirit of the wheel but I really don’t want to make a crappy race or boring job. 

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Well, I’ve spun Stunt Race at the Power Station using Benefactor  vehicles in Thunder at 5:00pm. 

Edited by omarcomin71
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3 hours ago, Con said:

I have a question. So I’ve tried to build races but I’m really not good at them (I quit half way when I’m making one)….so 
Is it possible to just choose the type of job (deathmatch) and then spin the wheel for the other elements. 
I know it somewhat defeats the spirit of the wheel but I really don’t want to make a crappy race or boring job. 

Yes, go for it!

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I don't know how but I basically got exactly the same as last time. Again a TDM and again Shotguns 😐

But hey, I will give it a go with:

Foggy weather
Current time
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7 hours ago, Schumi6581 said:

I don't know how but I basically got exactly the same as last time. Again a TDM and again Shotguns 😐

But hey, I will give it a go with:

Foggy weather
Current time

It dont have to be exclusive, the weapons.

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8 hours ago, Skorpion said:

@Olla said he'd like to give this a try too as a first time creator.

We made our own wheel on an app to choose job type so he got a random combat job, then used the other 4 wheels from the links. 

Olla will be creating a KOTH in Chumash using Shotguns in Smog at 16:00

That gave me the idea to invite my son my join, even though he is not in the crew. Would that be ok?

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I think I’m finished as well.  I’m not going to publish it yet, I still may polish it up a bit.

Maybe we can run a test session at some point. 

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I am getting very frustrated with the creator. It lets me set the start and re-spawn points, then I add some props and it says the starts & respawns don't have enough space, but if I move any that are even slightly close to the props to somewhere well away, it makes no difference. It's like as soon as I add the props I want it breaks the whole thing. I've even tried with 2 player version to start with, to minimise the number of starts and respawns and have those no where near the props, and it does exactly the same thing.

So I am going to make an almost prop free version, which won't look like I wanted to. But I'm not wasting anymore time on this. We'll see what that plays out like and I can try and update it afterwards.


Also I don't see a way to set the precise time of day. It looks like that option is not there for a King of the Hill.

Edited by djw180
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