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Hasta La Vista 16 players


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Hasta La Vista 16 players


An attempt at the Hasta La Vists adversery mode (Trucks vs cycles) but for 16 players rather than just 4.

This is a GTA capture. The capture vehicles are cycles. 5 minute rounds. Target score 2. It could be over in 2 minutes so I recomend multiple rounds.

Both teams start with 4 cycles and 4 trucks. It's for you to decide who takes the cycles and who trys to flatten the opposition cyclists with their trucks.

You start near a junction of one the freeways through Los Santos, one team north, the other south. Ride / drive your  vehicles onto the freeway and head east towards the capture points (both team's which next to each other). Whoever gets 2 bikes there first wins. When killed you respawn on the main freeway on Faggios; if there's time either fetch the bike you fell off or another one from your start point. You should not be able to get off the freeway unless forced over the walls. I have blocked off all exits but ramps on the other sides means bikes can get back on.

With low numbers you may want to arrange before hand that both teams take the same number of cycles. You could even all take them and just race to the finish.


RSC Link: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/my-jobs/?text=Hast La Vista&date=today


Edited by djw180
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