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(Sort of) Terminator 2


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-Team 1 (players 1-4) start near the capture vehicles, drivers have to get 1 vehicle to the safe-zone which is a short distance away. Drivers and passengers have shotguns to defend themselves from.....

-Team 2 (players 1-4) who each will be in a truck, they must squish team 1 and get the vehicle back to their base

-Player 5 (both teams) will begin in a sniping position to assist with their teams objective.

-players 6+7 (both teams) have immediate access to a dozer

-player 8 will start in the sniping position with player 5

-players 9-15 have immediate access to some hardcore shit (it's all out war!)

Obviously this is quite experimental and I have no idea how (if?) this will work. It could be over in seconds or go on and on (5 minute rounds, first to 2)

Here is the R* Link if you'd like to try it

All feedback welcome


Edited by Pb76
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It's been on my to-do list for a while, the timing was entirely coincidental.

There's an potential issue with it though, I hoped the order I placed the start points in the creator would be filled in the same order by players in-game, it seems that this isn't the case and the start points are random, it could play out completely differently to how I hoped.

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Finally tried it out, nice idea. Did not expect the bike choices!


It was over too quick though, maybe move the targets further away from the start points.

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Finally tried it out, nice idea. Did not expect the bike choices!

It was over too quick though, maybe move the targets further away from the start points.

both, or one particular team?
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