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Error when trying to export a video from the Editor.


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Been happening for a few weeks now. Does anyone know how to fix it?

When creating/exporting the video it soon stops and gives me this error msg:


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9 minutes ago, Lann said:

Been happening for a few weeks now. Does anyone know how to fix it?

When creating/exporting the video it soon stops and gives me this error msg:


I think someone else was having the same issue and I think i shared this link.   https://www.easeus.com/todo-backup-resource/fix-ps4-error-code-ce-34878-0.html

or    https://support.us.playstation.com/scea_searchresults?lang=en_US&selStr=ce-34878-0

Edited by Con
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That error happened to me in a race of the COTC. That error means that the application (in this case, the game) had an error. If that error isn't usual in your PS4 it's like when your PS3 games or PS2 games got frozen, but in this case the game is an application, and due to the error you leave the game. If that error is getting usual everytime you're using your PS4 (playing GTA or other games, and when I mean usual I mean you can't play anything because you're getting kicked out always) your PS4 has a problem, theorically a hard drive problem.

In your case it seems it only happens when you're exporting videos, just like my case. My theory is that it's a loading problem (I don't know how to justify this, it's just a theory because if it was a hard drive problem my PS4 would be broken). I can only tell you to keep trying until you can, sometimes I could finish the race and sometimes not. I don't know if this influences or not but I deleted some data of my PS4 (videos, photos, useless demos...), since that everything in my PS4 loads faster.

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On 8/6/2018 at 10:00 AM, Smurf said:

Delete all messages and notifications


Deleted all notifications and about 250 messages, still same error. I will try erasing all projects in the editor and most clips as well.

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If what I said didn't work I don't have any idea. Some people say to do a backup and restore the PS4 but I don't know if that would work.

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3 hours ago, Lann said:

No it happen when i try to export any video from the editor, but never in any other situations.

Oh waw! Thought you ment uploading videos as that's what my fix was for, not 'exporting video's.' Maybe (defrag/ rebuild database) of your ps4 or flash the ps4 full firmware via usb. The filend is close to the bottom of this page https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/system-updates/ps4/

Edited by Smurf
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On 8/7/2018 at 10:57 PM, Smurf said:

Oh waw! Thought you ment uploading videos as that's what my fix was for, not 'exporting video's.' Maybe (defrag/ rebuild database) of your ps4 or flash the ps4 full firmware via usb. The filend is close to the bottom of this page https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/system-updates/ps4/

Thanks, still nothing. Will test this step before moving to try that link.


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I'm getting the same error sometimes, but almost without exception when a LancerEvo (the creator) race comes up in any PL. And it doesn't happen every time either, it seems to be completely random. Dumbest error I've ever encountered for sure.

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