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Going Down South ;)


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So, this is going down south...

If you don't like it, no worries as it took me all of 5 minutes to make. It's a GTA race in which you start from the most northerly point of the map and finish at the most southerly point. There are no checkpoints in between so if you die you go back to the start. You start on a cruiser (bicycle) but can take any route and use any mode of transport to get to the end. Leave GTA mode and traffic on unless you want to cycle all the way to the finish (takes approx 17 minutes lol).

Do not kill any other players, if you accidentally kill someone, kill yourself as well.

This is a remake of a track I made back on PS3.

If anyone knows what gfred is, it's quite similar, but only takes around 10 minutes to complete.

You're more than welcome to steal other players' vehicles if you can.


RSC Link: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/O7RwGULup0-_U3skAUdEDg

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Btw, you start facing the wrong way so that if you decide to jump start like you can on all cycle races, you'll end up in the sea.

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