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ThatJuanDude Introduction


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My name unfortunetly isnt Juan, its Don, my parents weren't very inventive, but I am a fan of puns. I live in the US(central time), I play clean, race clean, and have been playing a long time and feel like I am pretty good at this game by this point. Im a CEO for what its worth. Looking for a crew to do everything in game with. My last crew all but vanished, so its time to move on, and after reading your sight and some posts you guys seem like my sort of crew. Let me know what I need to do, and ThatJuanDude will abide. Thanks.


Edit: Almost forgot. Back in the early days of GTA online on ps3, someone gave me $10 million after a mission I ran with them. No idea how it happened, it just popped into my account. Thats why there is a huge disrepency on my money earned. I have no idea how to hack, and have no desire to do so. I hope this doesn't make me ineligible.

Edited by ThatJuanDude
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Only 10 million? You were very lucky. Lots of us back then were unfortunate billionaires due to the hacking going on. Rockstar rectified those affected so it's not something to worry about. 

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Welcome Don. We ask all new members 4 question, you've already answered 2 so here are the other 2.

3. For 2 weeks our tags must remain active (during Vetting), can you abide by this? (Afterwards you can swap at will but we should be your primary)

4. Will you be able to attend at least 1 event and/or game with the crew once per week and visit out site frequently?

Once you answer them I will send a crew invite on Social Club. Please make sure it's not locked down so I can send the invite. You sound like a good fit for the crew and we are always happy to have new members. Don't worry about the money thing, it happened to a lot of us, and thanks for being upfront about it.

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3. I will absolutely abide. 

4. This I can also do. I do get up very ealry for work, so anything past 8pm central will be tough for me. Weekends and early events, count me in. And I need something to do on break, so I imagine I'll be on the site alot. 

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Your profile is still locked down. 

I get up too early to but there is only one weeknight playlist currently in the North American time zones, Thursday at 9:30pm your time. Plenty happening on weekends though and if you can make the weekday EU playlists. Due to XDBX being international there is usually someone playing.

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It should be unlocked now. 


Thanks for the warm welcomes. I have been looking for a consistent group to play with for a long time, so far it looks like may have found it. Everyone is welcome to add me to PSN, and HMU amy time Im on, for anything. I'm looking forward to having some fun and making fake money with you all. 

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Welcome to XDBX. May You're time here be enjoyable. Please remember to keep hands and feet inside at all times, and please dont pet the monkeys!!!

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Welcome to Domestic Battery, Don!


My name's Skorpion (PSN= Skorpion-AH), I'm the XDBX Events Commissioner. The Super Moderators and I maintain the crew events on the calendar and in the events forums. We have events held on most days over multiple time zones, so take a look at the calendar to see what's going on. Make sure you RSVP to events to secure your spot and to help the host when they put the event together.


When you have time please visit What do we call you?. This is a good place for new members to learn the names of other members that may have difficult to pronounce or otherwise confusing usernames. While you're there, let us know what you like to be called in chat.


Look forward to seeing you in game :)


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Welcome to the crew I will be adding you to a vetting newsletter shortly which hopefully will answer any other questions you may have if not feel fee to pm me 

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Welcome. My name is Xyon14. PSN is jumbo67. I'm on the PS4. I am the Vetting Commissioner for XDBX. My Vetting Team and I are the ones responsible for new members, and their admission into the Crew. The Vetting Policy is explained in the Crew Policies and Guidelines, and be accessed by clicking the LINK in my Signature. Make sure you check them out. You will soon be contacted regarding Vetting by the Vetting Managers.

This website is the Focal Point, and Communication Hub for our Crew. It is an intricate part of how we maintain our integrity. So, Bookmark this website now, and visit it frequently.

Vetting Days are always on Wednesdays. Your 2 weeks period runs from the first Wednesday you are with us until the 3rd Wednesday you are with us. Depending on the day of the week that you became a member, your Vetting may run longer than 2 weeks. The days leading up to your first Wednesday count towards Vetting just like any other would. Your Vetting Period is scheduled to conclude on April 26th, 2017.

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