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What is Trunk or Treat? Is that an autocorrect from your phone or is it actually something?


Nope, it's correct.  :lol:


People decorate their cars in Halloween stuff and hand out candy.  It's a safer alternative than walking the streets at night with crazy drivers.  There are some AMAZING cars done up.  I'll take some pictures tomorrow.  I should have taken a picture of some of the cars tonight, but it was raining and didn't want to get my phone wet.  There are so many creative people.

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I went to a store to look for pre owned games at good prices, was looking for Battlefield 4 or GTA V but they didn't have any of these unfortunately. The best game I saw was Project Cars for 40€ but nahh...

For now my priorities are one first person shooter and ofc gta v. Oh and fifa 16!

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I went to a store to look for pre owned games at good prices, was looking for Battlefield 4 or GTA V but they didn't have any of these unfortunately. The best game I saw was Project Cars for 40€ but nahh...

For now my priorities are one first person shooter and ofc gta v. Oh and fifa 16!


yeah I was doing the same the other day. I managed to find a used copy of GTA V for $32 on amazon which is the cheapest I've seen so far, so I went ahead and bought it. Why are games so expensive :(

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Average out the cost per hour of entertainment and they're super cheap.

I bought the game 3 times and (only) played 1800 hours, still something like 8 cents per hour.

A bit off topic perhaps but still.

Edited by Lann3
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Caught up on my cleaning that I put off yesterday because of the Slasher adversary mode.  My house is beautiful again... until a couple of hours when it all gets wrecked.

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I had to deal with insurance and nursing home BS about my Mom today. My head has been aching since 8AM this morning! I sure hope my children NEVER have to deal with this crap and have to try and do the right thing.

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I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!

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That makes me want to move back to Hawaii, although not Oahu. I'd rather live on the Big Island. Far better fishing there, more diving spots and I still have good friends there.

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I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!

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I always wanted to share some of the crazy things I encounter on the job but that would take up its own thread. So I thought I would share this gem. Today I was in a rough neighborhood. When I say rough neighborhood it entails security tags on the beef jerky, bulletproof glass around the pharmacy, and a homeless man digging through the dumpster. While in the store this lady came up to one of the guys working and asked if they had a public bathroom. The kid says "I am sorry we do not have a public bathroom". The lady then says "Well thats on you then". She then pulls her pants down and proceeds to use the bathroom right there in the middle of the store. Number one and number two. I laughed a little bit on the inside, then felt sorry for who ever had to clean that up. Then I high stepped it out of there.

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I always wanted to share some of the crazy things I encounter on the job but that would take up its own thread. So I thought I would share this gem. Today I was in a rough neighborhood. When I say rough neighborhood it entails security tags on the beef jerky, bulletproof glass around the pharmacy, and a homeless man digging through the dumpster. While in the store this lady came up to one of the guys working and asked if they had a public bathroom. The kid says "I am sorry we do not have a public bathroom". The lady then says "Well thats on you then". She then pulls her pants down and proceeds to use the bathroom right there in the middle of the store. Number one and number two. I laughed a little bit on the inside, then felt sorry for who ever had to clean that up. Then I high stepped it out of there.

That's the sad state of mental healthcare.

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I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!

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Today I had to replace an exhaust on a Nissan Frontier. I made the mistake of saying it should be a quick job. An hour long job turned into 3 becuase of broken bolts, rusted pipe, broken mounts, wrong size sleeves, random cracks and an older gentleman telling me he needs to hurry so he can take his son fishing. That and 30 appointments waiting for me made for an interesting job. Doesn't help this is a 12 hour day and I got 6 left. I hate Thursday lol. I need some gta and relieve some stress lol.


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I have a Frontier and yeah the underside is rusting pretty bad. They do a shit job of protecting it. I've replaced most of the heat shield clamps and  the  skid plate has rusted away to nothing.

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Today I had to replace an exhaust on a Nissan Frontier. I made the mistake of saying it should be a quick job. An hour long job turned into 3 becuase of broken bolts, rusted pipe, broken mounts, wrong size sleeves, random cracks and an older gentleman telling me he needs to hurry so he can take his son fishing. That and 30 appointments waiting for me made for an interesting job. Doesn't help this is a 12 hour day and I got 6 left. I hate Thursday lol. I need some gta and relieve some stress lol.

Automatic transmission fluid(Dextron-III/ Mercon) and acetone in a 50/50 mix works better than PB Blaster or Kroil and a 1000 times better than WD40. I've used it since a teen.

I use a little "Sure Shot" sprayer.

Only thing worse than exhaust bolts/studs are antique engine head bolts/studs.

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I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!

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I'm always replacing heat shield clamps. Here in Pennsylvania the rusting is horrible. I ended up having to torch the bolts to get them off.

Also, I love my Sure Shot sprayer lol. Fill it up with brake clean. I use it all the time.


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Around my way the township's and schools do it. People park their vehicles in parking lot and setup there trunks with little displays. Kids walk around to vehicled and trick or treat

The churches around here do it as an alternative. And attack regular Halloween enthusiasts, claiming devil worship. Crazy right?

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OK, today I completely raged out on rocket league. Here's some interesting info on your beloved complex..... I haven't raged due to a game in quite some time. Maybe once or twice right when black ops II came out, but besides that, years.

So I joined solo ranked 3v3, like usual, it starts, I hit L1 to see the ranks per team, I'm going up against 2 veterans and a pro. "Oh boy," I thought to myself. Check my squad, and would you believe it's me, obviously, at pro rank, and TWO ROOKIES. OK, so rank doesn't mean much anyway, and I continue as usual.

These two twisted little mother..... Anyway, the rookies on my team score the first two goals! I know right! Too bad it was for the opposing team, knocking the ball into our own goal. One of them scored for the other team one other time later in the game. Between the two of them, I bet they blocked about five of my shots, slammed into more then a dozen times, and messed up a good pass the same.

Now I'm usually one to just have fun when playing the game. But come on.... I got screwed that game. I told the two rookies that they shouldn't be allowed to play the game anymore after a show like that.

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Automatic transmission fluid(Dextron-III/ Mercon) and acetone in a 50/50 mix works better than PB Blaster or Kroil and a 1000 times better than WD40. I've used it since a teen.

I use a little "Sure Shot" sprayer.

Only thing worse than exhaust bolts/studs are antique engine head bolts/studs.

I never have heard of that combo. May try that next time I need to loosen a stuck bolt. I've always used PB Blaster or Penetro and let it sit a while.

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OK, today I completely raged out on rocket league. Here's some interesting info on your beloved complex..... I haven't raged due to a game in quite some time. Maybe once or twice right when black ops II came out, but besides that, years.

So I joined solo ranked 3v3, like usual, it starts, I hit L1 to see the ranks per team, I'm going up against 2 veterans and a pro. "Oh boy," I thought to myself. Check my squad, and would you believe it's me, obviously, at pro rank, and TWO ROOKIES. OK, so rank doesn't mean much anyway, and I continue as usual.

These two twisted little mother..... Anyway, the rookies on my team score the first two goals! I know right! Too bad it was for the opposing team, knocking the ball into our own goal. One of them scored for the other team one other time later in the game. Between the two of them, I bet they blocked about five of my shots, slammed into more then a dozen times, and messed up a good pass the same.

Now I'm usually one to just have fun when playing the game. But come on.... I got screwed that game. I told the two rookies that they shouldn't be allowed to play the game anymore after a show like that.

I had random people who try and get everyball. Whole part of being a team is to see where teammates are and anticipate what they are going to do. I hate when I have a good shot or clear lined up and someone from some odd angle comes flying in to hit the ball

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I'm always replacing heat shield clamps. Here in Pennsylvania the rusting is horrible. I ended up having to torch the bolts to get them off.

Also, I love my Sure Shot sprayer lol. Fill it up with brake clean. I use it all the time.


I got tired of paying high prices for can brake cleaner, so this guy I met at SEMA brought me a drum of their brake cleaner and a Sure Shot for me and each one of my mechanics. When my bud and I closed the shop, we split them up between us. Damn handy tool and saves lots of money.

I never have heard of that combo. May try that next time I need to loosen a stuck bolt. I've always used PB Blaster or Penetro and let it sit a while.

It works great. Naturally, any penetrant works better on a vertical or near vertical bolt or stud. Heat is the only real good way to help wick the lubricant.

I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!

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So I was on my Playstation last night watching Netflix. It is hard to unwind after a rough day so I usually watch something on Netflix to help me to fall asleep. Last night while I was in the middle of The Walking Dead my Playstation shut off. When I tried to turn it back on nothing happened. I then unplugged it and let it sit for about an hour and then plugged it back in and tried turning it on. Still nothing. This morning I tried to turn it on and still nothing, no lights, no beeps, nothing. I was getting ready to go to the store to look into buying another one when my girlfriend asked me if I bought the extended warranty when I bought it. That is when I remember I did buy it. So I open up my file cabinet and start going through all my paperwork. I find my receipt along with the warranty paperwork. Since I bought it on release day back on Nov 15th of 2013 I called them. The conversation went just like this; Hi, how can I help you? (I then explain the problem), she then says ok can you read me the number off your receipt? I do. She then tells me how sorry she is that this happened and I will have a return box shipped to my house and if they can not fix it they will send me gift card to the store I bought it from for the exact purchase price of what I paid. Talk about customer service. I thought I was going to have to fight with them for a couple weeks like I do with Sony. I guess I will be buying that protection plan every time I buy any more devices. So I am now down to my backup Playstation and have none of my save files. I feel like a tool for not using that damn cloud they offer.

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So I was on my Playstation last night watching Netflix. It is hard to unwind after a rough day so I usually watch something on Netflix to help me to fall asleep. Last night while I was in the middle of The Walking Dead my Playstation shut off. When I tried to turn it back on nothing happened. I then unplugged it and let it sit for about an hour and then plugged it back in and tried turning it on. Still nothing. This morning I tried to turn it on and still nothing, no lights, no beeps, nothing. I was getting ready to go to the store to look into buying another one when my girlfriend asked me if I bought the extended warranty when I bought it. That is when I remember I did buy it. So I open up my file cabinet and start going through all my paperwork. I find my receipt along with the warranty paperwork. Since I bought it on release day back on Nov 15th of 2013 I called them. The conversation went just like this; Hi, how can I help you? (I then explain the problem), she then says ok can you read me the number off your receipt? I do. She then tells me how sorry she is that this happened and I will have a return box shipped to my house and if they can not fix it they will send me gift card to the store I bought it from for the exact purchase price of what I paid. Talk about customer service. I thought I was going to have to fight with them for a couple weeks like I do with Sony. I guess I will be buying that protection plan every time I buy any more devices. So I am now down to my backup Playstation and have none of my save files. I feel like a tool for not using that damn cloud they offer.

Depending on what died, probably the power supply, I bet you could just swap the hard drive. I wouldn't hook it to the net, but do a backup to a usb hard drive. Then replace your new hard drive in the new console and send the old unit back with it's hard drive.

It just depends on how many games you have and how far along you in the ones you want to continue to play.

I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!

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So I was on my Playstation last night watching Netflix. It is hard to unwind after a rough day so I usually watch something on Netflix to help me to fall asleep. Last night while I was in the middle of The Walking Dead my Playstation shut off. When I tried to turn it back on nothing happened. I then unplugged it and let it sit for about an hour and then plugged it back in and tried turning it on. Still nothing. This morning I tried to turn it on and still nothing, no lights, no beeps, nothing. I was getting ready to go to the store to look into buying another one when my girlfriend asked me if I bought the extended warranty when I bought it. That is when I remember I did buy it. So I open up my file cabinet and start going through all my paperwork. I find my receipt along with the warranty paperwork. Since I bought it on release day back on Nov 15th of 2013 I called them. The conversation went just like this; Hi, how can I help you? (I then explain the problem), she then says ok can you read me the number off your receipt? I do. She then tells me how sorry she is that this happened and I will have a return box shipped to my house and if they can not fix it they will send me gift card to the store I bought it from for the exact purchase price of what I paid. Talk about customer service. I thought I was going to have to fight with them for a couple weeks like I do with Sony. I guess I will be buying that protection plan every time I buy any more devices. So I am now down to my backup Playstation and have none of my save files. I feel like a tool for not using that damn cloud they offer.


You wouldn't have to fight Sony.  I just contacted them awhile back about my disc reader going bad.  They sent out the return box to me and it includes a tracking number with the label so you can follow your system.  They e-mail you once you they receive your unit and keep you updated.  I bought another new PS4 and plan on selling my other one once I verify everything is working like new again.  I just couldn't be without my PS4 for like, three weeks.  That's torture.  :lol:


Mine was purchased last Thanksgiving, so within the one year warranty.  Hopefully they can fix your unit, but it would be better to actually have the newest PS4 model.   :P

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These new models are nice. No shiny parts to attract fingerprints and real buttons. In the case of mine, the double hard drive size is very nice addition.

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Had a crappy day yesterday. Got dismissed from work when I walked in. Feeling pretty depressed about it. I've never been fired before. Trying to move past it and look for something better. I'm still going to play, just letting yall know I might not be as talkative.


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