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Special Carbine vs Combat MG


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With the recent release of Finance and Felony, the Special Carbine has been given the option to add drum mags. This makes it an "MG" in an assault rifle category, thus a competitor against the monster of a gun, the Combat MG. While the Special Carbine may not have 200B/Mag, having a 100B/Mag it is sure a tough choice choosing. Both outclass each other in cases such as:

-Combat MG does more damage than the Special Carbine after the IGG part 1 patch

-Combat MG has a longer auto lock range than the Special Carbine (auto aim)

-Combat MG has 200B/Mag (ext. mag) which is 2x more than the Special Carbines 100B/Mag (With ext. mag + drum mag)

-Special Carbine is more accurate than the Combat MG during full auto (bullets hits targets more)

-Special Carbine is more lighter than the Combat MG (you run faster)


While it may seem like the Combat MG is winning-take into account when do you unlock them. Special Carbine (Rank 1), Combat MG (Rank 80). If someone were to run with Special Carbine until rank 80 and decide to try the Combat MG, he/she might fall under the impression that the Special Carbine is better. That is a result of the placebo effect.

So what do you think? Is the Special Carbine a competitior for the Combat MG? While sure I can sense those that will say "Both are good.", or "Experience determines your personal preference.". Keep in mind that the Special Carbine has been given a buff in terms of the Rounds/Mag department which gives it all the more reason to compete with Combat MG.

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A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

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I'm not sure why they decided to add the drum mags but besides clip size, it doesn't change much. 


I've always used the special carbine so that's not going to change and I'll probably still habitually reload whenever I get the chance anyway so it won't really make a difference. 


I'll occasionally use the combat mg in certain situations (longer range) but it usually isn't worth it because the extra range it provides is very minimal over the special carbine and the extra damage it deals barely makes up for all the misses due to recoil and lower accuracy.

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Combat MG has always been my go-to weapon. In PvP, and apart from the utility of explosives/sniper, I almost only ever used Combat MG and Assault Shotgun. I just love the feeling of power that comes from it. 

Probably doing it wrong, as most people who are better at PvP than me use rifles, but it's so ingrained in me that I always feel weaker when using a rifle.

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Hi guys. 

Im only lvl 63, so I don't have a choice, but I love the special.  I haven't added the drum yet because it causes a slight drop in accuracy. Has anyone noticed how much of a drop it is in operation?

Edited by SaulHudson47
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Love using both of them, but would always choose the Special Carbine over the Combat MG if I was forced to choose only one of them.  Recently I've been preferring the Advanced Rifle over the Special Carbine, but may try out the SC with the new drum magazine.  Still gonna need more than its 100 bullets to kill @LN-MLB though. :lol:

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22 minutes ago, Chewy said:

Isn't the reload slower for drum mags as well?  

I heard it is.

Combat MG has always been my weapon of choice. I feel it does more damage and i just prefer the whole operation of it...

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Any weapon with drum mag in general are going to have a slow reload, weighs heavy, and probably hinders your time to ADS. Not sure if any of those are on selected weapons equipable with drum mag, however the Combat MG displays these traits even though it has extended mag. It's probably because it's a box mag and it's probably similar.

Edited by Prodigy_Rocks_

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a regular carbine kind of guy but once BPHs were introduced and the Combat MG got a re-buff (I believe they had nerfed it and then re-buffed it) I had to go to the Combat MG for the extra damage. 

I'm still trying to figure out just how much the drum mag slows down reload on the regular carbine, as it's reload time is one of the reasons I use it the most and if it slows me down more than I'd like, it's coming off. 

I still love the carbine rifle from GTA 4 better and miss how there were no perks or kill streak throbbing and flashing screens or dumb damage calculator trash. 


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Forgot to mention that the Special Carbine can be equipped with a suppressor which will reduce the sound you make which as a result cause you to end up appearing on enemy maps during TDM. The Combat MG however cannot be equipped with one so that's an advantage to the Special carbine if you're into close quarters TDM. 

*The only pros of the suppressor is to reduce the sound and muzzle flash. Meanwhile the downside of the suppressor is reduced bullet velocity, damage and range.

I personally don't use it on my main weapons due to the drawbacks and it's ONLY useful in close quarter TDM/DM and stealth heist; trade performance for stealth is all it is.

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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10 hours ago, Prodigy_Rocks_ said:

Forgot to mention that the Special Carbine can be equipped with a suppressor which will reduce the sound you make which as a result cause you to end up appearing on enemy maps during TDM. The Combat MG however cannot be equipped with one so that's an advantage to the Special carbine if you're into close quarters TDM. 

*The only pros of the suppressor is to reduce the sound and muzzle flash. Meanwhile the downside of the suppressor is reduced bullet velocity, damage and range.

I personally don't use it on my main weapons due to the drawbacks and it's ONLY useful in close quarter TDM/DM and stealth heist; trade performance for stealth is all it is.

I like the suppressor in theory. But once you become the Power Player, silence goes out the window since they place you on the map for all to see. So it becomes useless. 

I do keep one pistol and one rifle suppressed in case I need them tho.

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Still haven't upgraded the guns with the new mag's.

Any rifle over the Combat MG due to the poor long-range accuracy and recoil with the Combat MG, I'd even pick the Assault Rifle over it.

Rifles are good for quick headshots, Combat MG makes me put most of the bullets over the head of my enemy.

Edited by DavidCore89
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Always preferred the Special to the CMG.  In fact I love it when i see people in free roam trying to kill me with their CMG.  Although their gun does sound cool right before I kill them :)


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I would rather take steps to shorten my distance between myself and a target than sit a bit further back and be less accurate.

Regular Carbine has been and always will be my go to gun. I do however have a Special Carbine spec'd for a silencer in those rare cases where Lester isn't used in competitive play, you know, where stealth is actually beneficial.

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