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I will now be using the following ID-10T Form to assess Crew Complaints. Please fill it out completely to reduce the risk of delay based on a gap in your information. 





Just kidding

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What are we being assessed on? I'm not sure if it's crew related or outside the crew.

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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Nevermind, I'll file both.

Crew related:

Date of butthurt- ever since a lot of crew members are transferring to ps4 or PC(not sure of exact date)

Time: Unknown but exist

No tissue required

Not sure

Other: the PS3 base is declining rapidly. I mean yes I can't stop it but it's declining at a fast rate, that means I won't be able to play with the rest of the crew members due to the console barrier.

Non-Crew Related:

Date: Everytime I join a random TDM

Time: every time I join a random TDM

No tissue required

No! It's a form of greifing and it needs to stop

Other: Spawnkilling sucks on the receiving end but it's rewarding on the other side. I would rather get spawn killed and lose knowing that I had a form of an advantage. A few minutes ago I joined a sewer death match only to find that the other team is spawnkilling us with spam grenades, rockets and more. Sure I had my weapons and my basic skills but the fact that they got a height advantage was unacceptable. Sure I may be wining and I know that but can I-We play a game where we can all have fun.

-literally, it was a sewer deathmatch: narrow, crowded, and the other team starts off with a height advantage, spamming rockets, grenade via launcher, rolling players and the spawn system was terrible.

1. The game dosent seem to recognize that we are being spawn killed until we wiped out the whole enemy team for a few seconds, then it switches the spawn but by then, it was too late.

2. There were times where I spawned in mid-firefight and ended up dying on spawn.

That's all I guess.

Edited by Prodigy_Rocks_
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A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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Was the FAQ "Why can nobody kill LN?" :lol:

I read somewhere that the answer was "Because he's a boss" but no one could work out who put the answer there.

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Did Dodge just say that LN have God status?

If things get to crazy in this thread I do have a video of me and Scotty killing LN two times in a row a few hours ago.

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There is a Thread where we refer to DC89 with Chuck Norris type quotes and he got GTA God Status. This seemed to be headed that way for LN...

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Let's take this topic off of LN since there is a thread for that and keep it on the Butthurt Report please.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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