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Different PSN for Destiny!!


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Ok so I've just found that my progress for destiny is on another PSN account that I had for some reason create to get online gaming it's mostly the same as the one I use for GTA how ever there is a _ between adsy and findlay so it's:




Would it be possible to add this to my profile or will I have to scrap the progress and use the level 2 warlock on my main account? :(


I don't mind but would like to help out in the higher levels if I can whilst I level up my level 4 warlock as we go plus the gear I have will make life a hell of a lot easier haha


Hope this makes sense 


Thanks guys :)



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Maybe ;) haha, working on my character on the GTA account at the moment so hopefully it'll be worth something in the field soon :) currently level 5 though :/



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You'll only be able to have 1 account in the clan Adsy (same as we do for the GTA crew). Doesn't matter which one you want to use, just let me know so we can get the correct one in the clan,

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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That makes sense :) the one I have in the crew currently is the one I would like to have, however it is different to the one for GTA which is what brought on the question. I'm quite happy either way I'd be doing the same thing on both accounts it would just be easier if I could transfer my gear from my titan to my warlock as I went and help out the crew in the higher levels :)



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