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Introducing deadx12


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Hey all, I am Robbie, JustHatched's oldest son.

I am going to start playing Destiny in a few days on PS4 since I can't play GTA yet (only 12) but he thought I should join the Clan when I start playing. I am pretty good at Call of Duty and like Minecraft.

I am on PS3 most of the time, I will play Destiny on PS4.

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Welcome the the home of the Grand Theft Auto crew known as Domestic Battery. We work hard to be a fun, mature, active, and dependable crew. We do however have some guidelines in place to ensure that we maintain the environment we have built.

Please take time to read our Crew Policies and Guidelines

Feel free to ask any questions, we will do our best to answer them. Please note everyone here is human and on occasion it may take some time to get your crew invite out. Normally this is done within the first hour of your posting.

Hope you get with the crew in game and have fun.

The XDBX Crew

This is a generated auto reply merely providing valuable crew links to help you become a valued member of the crew.

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If anyone objects to Rob joining I am fine with that, I can assure you he is a squeaker (voice changing age) but he rarely games with a mic on.

I would like him to learn the finer points of gaming with the right people, plus I can monitor who he is gaming with.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Welcome Robbie! I am a GTA player but will soon make the jump to Destiny as well, so hopefully I'll see you around. It'll be nice to not be the only newb in the clan :D

Edited by JALJ


One day the sadness will end.


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Welcome Robbie.



If anyone objects to Rob joining I am fine with that, I can assure you he is a squeaker (voice changing age) but he rarely games with a mic on.

I would like him to learn the finer points of gaming with the right people, plus I can monitor who he is gaming with.


Can't be worse than the damn birds though. :lol:

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I have met Robbie and can say that he is a true gentleman and very mature for his age.


Welcome to our crew Robbie!

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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing - General Dwight Eisenhower Allied Supreme Commander WWII

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Welcome Rob. and Hatch, no objections, XDBX is the best rising ground ever.


Remember, All that the sun touches plus the gtaforums thread and the twitter/facebook page


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