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Long Distance Plan TDM


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Long Distance Plan




Team Deathmatch

2-30 players

Forced Heavy Sniper

Heavy Sniper Pickups

Natural Terrain with Limited Natural Props


RSC Link


This was created to provide long distance sniper training and target acquisition but will work as a sniper only team deathmatch.


Distances are long... very long... enjoy.


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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing - General Dwight Eisenhower Allied Supreme Commander WWII

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Different location but a similar concept to what I've tried on PS3, which I wasnt completely happy with.


I suggest that spawning is thoroughly tested (with a good sized group), as due to games sometimes a little weird and unpredictable spawning algorithm, it can happen that you'll have an enemy spawning on your side.


I'm guesing drawing distances are actually improved on PS4? Looks like quite a distance, that I think would have been a little problematic on PS3, but it probably still works great on PS4.


Not everyones cup of tea (I know some members really dislike sniping), but I really like this kind of TDMs. Too bad I wont be able to try it out anytime soon (PS4).

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I love the concept Ern, had to leave right after we played it today. Only thing I didn't like was the spawning on the same side as you are on.

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The illogical spawning that Rockstar uses is causing problems with this one.


Teams are spawning next to enemy teams.


I will edit this to reduce the number of players and relocate the spawn points so that crazy spawns do not ruin this concept.


Again, this was created as a practice arena for sniping that I opened up to multiple players.

Different location but a similar concept to what I've tried on PS3, which I wasnt completely happy with.


I suggest that spawning is thoroughly tested (with a good sized group), as due to games sometimes a little weird and unpredictable spawning algorithm, it can happen that you'll have an enemy spawning on your side.


I'm guesing drawing distances are actually improved on PS4? Looks like quite a distance, that I think would have been a little problematic on PS3, but it probably still works great on PS4.


Not everyones cup of tea (I know some members really dislike sniping), but I really like this kind of TDMs. Too bad I wont be able to try it out anytime soon (PS4).



I love the concept Ern, had to leave right after we played it today. Only thing I didn't like was the spawning on the same side as you are on.


Edited by ErnYoung

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing - General Dwight Eisenhower Allied Supreme Commander WWII

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Can you group the spawn points closer together on each side? Obviously making sure the spawn points are blocked from sight of the other team.


How many people did you test with? It could work better with more people. The game won't spawn you near enemy players so if there are more players on each side it limits the places you can respawn into.

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Can you group the spawn points closer together on each side? Obviously making sure the spawn points are blocked from sight of the other team.


How many people did you test with? It could work better with more people. The game won't spawn you near enemy players so if there are more players on each side it limits the places you can respawn into.



The spawn points are grouped together. With 4 players the spawns happened at the closest spawn points to the enemy location.


I will move the spawn points to an independent location from the start points and limit the player count. At this point it looks like it will only be able to be good for long distance sniper practice and not a real deathmatch.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing - General Dwight Eisenhower Allied Supreme Commander WWII

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Best thing to do is try test it straight after a regular playlist, there's usually a large number of players on at the same time then. 

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Maybe you need to treat the respawns like most TDMs. 


Instead of divorcing them like that, sprinkle them around as evenly distributed as possible (obviously with some distance between them). You should get two things from this:


1. There should be distance between you and the enemy almost at all times

2. It will encourage contestants to get used to sniping from numerous elevations/settings with different obstacles around you, not just on mountain top vs mountain top.


Might not be a bad idea to sprinkle some vehicles in there as well. You can help gauge the battleground in something this large with weapon and health drops. Those sort of things are very good indicators for the general idea of what the area should look like.


Stuff like this really makes me wish you could put a zone in death matches, similar to LTS where if you venture out .. you're disqualified. Would prevent assholes from fleeing too, which is very common in deathmatches.

Edited by G37

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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