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Wrap dem poles


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In wrapping poles for races I am finding many I cannot wrap and instead have to place the tire stack on my guess of where the pole can be hit from

In the first pic is the poles I can wrap, the 2nd pic shows a pole with a concrete base and I can not wrap. Is there a way to wrap it or do I have to deal with it



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i don't think so

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Are you using the method that involves knocking it down?

Poles can not be wrapped on PS3, correct?

Well, you can, but PS3 tyres can be knocked down so it's pointless.

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Poles can be wrapped on PS3, same general way you do it on PS4.


Knock it over in car view and bring up your prop (can be very tedious this way) or you can back out to 3rd person view again (good chance of pole respawning). Once you place the prop there the pole respawns pretty much inside the tire stack.


I've come across that too Hatch. Certain light poles have high bases that you cannot (as far as I know) drop a prop on because the surface is "uneven and not clear". Ones in your second pic are this type. I haven't figured out how to do it either, so maybe DC knows. Actually, in some cases you can use a different prop that's larger (like yellow tire barriers) that have extensions you can overlap it on, that usually works. 


No clue about actual tire stacks on things like that though.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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The most recent race I created, I tried to wrap all of the poles but was unable to do so.  It was taking me more time to knock the poles down and try to line up the props.  Instead, I took the small/short yellow tire barrier and put it in front of the pole so it still can't be knocked down.  It doesn't take as much time.  It looks kind of ugly, but works for now.

Edited by LV_Jag
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If possible, I prefer to use the striped barrier to block of the pole. It's easier to put down, stops people from pavement surfing and allows you to come away from it much better then the tire barriers. It ends up being more of a deflection and sliding of it compared to sticking or bouncing back of it.


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