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i have recently decided after the gang attack roaming shenanigans we had during a day of the XDBX anniversary that i want to know where they all are, and what better way than to make jobs of them!


i have found a big map of 59 gang attack locations (if there is more let me know ) that i will be slowly turning into LTS. so i do not get lost and miss any i will be naming them in the order that they appear on my map, but not necessarily creating them in order ^_^. there are 1 or 2 that may be underground also that i most likely will not be able to create thanks to R*.


the list below will fill with names of the locations and links as they get created. this will be a huge undertaking and i hope i don't kill myself half way through.


Gang Attacks highlighted in red have either the wrong time and I have to check them again, or have been removed from the game.



These Gang Attacks follow the story of a naive gang. You will play as either the newest recruit to their ranks, or the opposing team, varying between workers protecting their buildings and anonymous rival gangs.

1. New Recruit               

2. No Reload             

3. Make Our Own               

4. Armoury             

5. A Hint To Stop



Thug Life

These Gang Attacks follow the story of two notorious gangs in Los Santos. You will play as either part of the Families or their rivals the Vagos.

1. Not Family               

2. Retaliation              

3. Kick'em While They're Down




These Gang Attacks follow the story of STD Contractors who have monopolized the construction industry for all of Los Santos. Contracts are up for renewal so you will play as STD fighting 3 anonymous construction companies, eliminating one each round. Hint Hint, whoever is the winning team is team STD.

1. Let The Games Begin                   

2. Another One Bites The Dust                 

3. For The Win              

4. Sore Losers




These Gang Attacks follow the story of a once close brotherhood of bikers called the Lost MC that have become disarray. You will play as either a former member or a loyal member of the gang.

1. Drama                  

2. Returned                

3. One Way Out




These Gang Attacks follow the story of the many homeless struggling to live in Los Santos. You will play as intoxicated bums, angry at society.

1. Poverty                

2. No Dignity Left




These Gang Attacks follow the story of two illegal vehicle stripping companies with a big rivalry. You will play as either members of Covington or Roger's Scrap.

1. Misunderstanding                  

2. Confrontation               

3. Attack Back    




These Gang Attacks follow the story of a convoy of truckers that got caught up in someone's prank CB call. You will play as either random truckers or police officers.

1. Breaker Breaker                    

2. Candycane                    

3. Bear At Your Front Door




These Gang Attacks follow the story of

1. Import Export

2. Contraband

3. Unwanted Cargo

4. Everything Must Go

5. Cavity Search   XXII - Train Warehouse


II - 4-way Canals                     

VII - Airport                               VIII - Pacific Allied Shipyard           X - Naval Port

XV - Oil Refinery                      XXV - Mansion

XXVII - Pork Whistle Farm      XXVIII - Liquor Store                       XXIX - Abandoned Farm               XXX - Stoner Cement Works

XXXI - Green Power                XXXIII - Davis Quartz                     XXXIV - Recycling Center              

XXXVI - National Park             XXXVII - Trever's Hanger               XXXIX - Boat House                               

XLI - Summer Cottages          XLII - Millar's Boat Shop                 XLIII - R L Hunter & Sons              XLIV - McKenzie Airfield                    XLV - Abandoned Boatyard

XLVI - Potshot                         XLIX - Cult                                       L - Fort Zancudo Training

LII - Beach Party                     LIII - Merryweather Beach             LIV - Vagos Apartments                         LV - Island

LVI - Ursula's House               LVII - Beach Houses                       LVIII - Soccer                                LIX - Mirror Park Luxury Homes



Edited by Onrefne
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most of these are going to be utilizing pistols, smgs, and shotguns as they are only small locations, and being small i have kept the timer at just 5 mins, they aren't meant to be long and drawn out. there are ammo crates with better guns dependent on the location of the attack. if any1 has any feedback about spawn/weapon locations or the pickups being op or useless feel free to comment

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess the only thing that may need changing is removing the grenade launcher from the boat one. Getting that seems to make it very one sided. Other than that, I enjoyed all of these. I think I remember how I got onto the roof on a few of these if you need determining where to block access.

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I guess the only thing that may need changing is removing the grenade launcher from the boat one. Getting that seems to make it very one sided. Other than that, I enjoyed all of these. I think I remember how I got onto the roof on a few of these if you need determining where to block access.

ty for ur feedback, i was thinking that too, i was also thinking, should i make that more molotov/tear gas based with a grenade spawn where the launcher is? or are grenade just more fun than the other stuff lol. 


the airport one is the one i'm confused about, i put a chain fence at the ladder and i'm not able to climb up so idk how u did it lol, guess i'll just throw a big blue wall up instead, tried to be a lil more subtle 

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-i'm unsure if the blue wall jumping thing is fixed in Underground

-i have moved the chain fence back an inch from ladders, hopefully this will work to prevent climbing. when i try to use them it throws me off now lol. and more ladders have become blocked

-NEW FEATURE: backup ammo, reload the gun u brought to the attack by simply visiting the vehicle u came in. thank god we brought extra ammo!

-grenade launcher on Boat has been replaced with grenades, and grenade old location replaced with tear gas, tear gas old location replaced with more molotovs!

-attacks 8 and 9 are now live bringing us to a fluid 1-12

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1 is pretty nice, only one I've played so far. At the Pier.


I might suggest you push back the starting locations a tad because you're literally propped right up against the pillars of the pier. I might just add a tad bit more cover under the pier too, beach themed, like one of those camper vans with the beach decal on the sides. Maybe a couple up top for some atmosphere.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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UPDATE: is appears after a freak storm today that a plethora of weather beaten vehicles has washed ashore at Gang Attack I. Workers have also been placing sandbags around in hopes to break any big waves and prevent the dock from collapsing. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

big problem i'm running into right now is that some ppl already have TDMs at some of these locations, and even tho these are LTSs, i'd rather not remake someone elses job. so finding some kinda new way to play the same area is the new challenge... no idea what to do with the GB steel location as i'v played someones tdm there

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big problem i'm running into right now is that some ppl already have TDMs at some of these locations, and even tho these are LTSs, i'd rather not remake someone elses job. so finding some kinda new way to play the same area is the new challenge... no idea what to do with the GB steel location as i'v played someones tdm there


My honest and simple reply to that is: who cares?


This is a massive and noble undertaking. It's a remarkable theme (that's so rare it's not even funny). There's only SO MUCH real estate in Los Santos. There's gonna be overlaps. Your creations are unique enough in their own right so I wouldn't give two shits if you have something in the same location as someone else. Besides, if that STILL worries you for some reason .. yours are in an entirely different game format: LTS.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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