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Senora Rally Cross


Bring the family, the BBQ, the dog and the granny to the Senora Desert for the weekend and enjoy this fast paced and short rally cross circuit ... with or without granny on board.





Platform: PS4

Type: land race, standard

Vehicles: Coupes, Sedans, Sports, Muscle, Bikes, Off-road

Advised mode: non-contact or GTA

RSC Link: Race



A vid of the race. 2 laps in the Compacts Class. Sry for the crappy quality and driving...



This is the first thing I have ever made in the Creator.  Any feedback is more then welcome !

Edited by JustHatched
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This is a sweet race, good cp and prop placement. Def should be run non contact or gta.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Tx for the feedback, Hatch. Non-contact is indeed the better option because some parts are too narrow for contact.  Have edited the OP.




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