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Alrighty, this is my first attempt at anything in the Content Creator so I fully expect a truckload of criticism.  I think it's large enough for 16 players, but the bots don't give a great feel for the number of players.  The rooftops of the NOOSE buildings were almost perfectly laid out for some Team DM so there may already be a TDM based on this area, but I couldn't find one.


Enter Hangman


Description:  NOOSE are all off chasing some dangerous gang-bangers so it's time to party up and Loosen the Noose.


2 Teams

8-16 Players

Forced Weapon:  Pump Shotgun

Edited by Pr0fane
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Whoops, sorry.  I copied Jag's last posted job and didn't even realize there WAS a link.  Think it's fixed now.


Yes, it's fixed now.  =)

Edited by Pr0fane
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If I'm on later, host this and we can try to get some people in.  I'll help out with any critique.  Like I told you last night, it doesn't matter if there's already a TDM in this area.  It's bound to happen because there's only so many places to make stuff on this map.  

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I like the TDM. Weapons selection could be adjusted. I think you should start with the SMG or a Rifle. However the shotgun was handy when storming the opposing sides rooftop. Maybe put them down on the ground level to use for close range combat when the time comes.

The risk/reward scenario of getting the sniper rifle is a nice touch. The layout is simple and effective. Overall it's a good TDM. Just change the weapons placement a little, and change the starting weapon.

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I liked this map; nice job, Profane!


I do agree with Dodge though--rifles would be an excellent choice.  I'd say assault rifles, but an SMG might work too.  Really enjoyed the carbine pickup as well.


Glad you've made the leap into the creator. :D

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Dodge, just looking for clarification.  When you say the shotguns could be "on the ground level" do you actually mean at the base of the buildings or on the rooftops but not having to climb to get at them?  

It is too bad no DLC is available for the Content Creator yet, because I think the Marksman Rifle would actually be a better fit than the Sniper Rifle.


Casey: so should I throw this map in for Tuesday's Tester?  Not sure how prolific I'll be with creating new maps since we have so many excellent authors in this crew already.  And I am basically...lazy.  :)




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Dodge, just looking for clarification.  When you say the shotguns could be "on the ground level" do you actually mean at the base of the buildings or on the rooftops but not having to climb to get at them?  



On the ground, at the base of the buildings. The only came in handy when storming the opposing sides rooftop from the parking lot. Then I used it quite a bit, sneaking up on the other team.

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Casey: so should I throw this map in for Tuesday's Tester?  Not sure how prolific I'll be with creating new maps since we have so many excellent authors in this crew already.  And I am basically...lazy.  :)

There's always room for more creators.

Looking forward to try it out :)

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I would probably like it more if it was just the rooftop, I decided to climb down to the ground at some point and was lost for a few minutes. 


The knife spawn is kind of distracting and not useful. Maybe if there were grenades that spawned in that map...

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This is a good map, Pr0fane, but I'd have the default weapon you start with me the SMG or assault rifle.  The pump shotgun is good in close quarter battles.  This is a map that requires us to run around for awhile and the shotgun just doesn't have the range.  I look forward to playing this again.  Definitely submit all of your stuff to the T/DM tester playlists.  :)

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I would probably like it more if it was just the rooftop, I decided to climb down to the ground at some point and was lost for a few minutes. 


The knife spawn is kind of distracting and not useful. Maybe if there were grenades that spawned in that map...

Actually, my original intent was to restrict it to the rooftops but I guess if time permits, may as well try to sneak around.  There are 3 ladders to get back to the roof, 2 in front and 1 in back, so I can understand getting lost trying to find your way back up.  But it's do-able.  There are 2 gaps in the barriers towards the front of the building that you could run off of, but I dropped a pylon in front of each to minimize accidental jumping.  Note: there is not enough height for a parachute to open.  LOL

Yeah, I think the knives may be superfluous since we have shotties.  I think I'll swap those out for some shotties which will provide ammo.


Regarding grenades; their absence is a blatant action on my part.  I loathe when maps turn into grenade spamming so I left them out.  There is still a molotov drop for people wanting to flush players out of hiding.  =)


Dodge: made the suggested changes.  Added some body armour in the shipping bays too, for those determined to 'sneak around' and try to get behind.  =)

Edited by Pr0fane
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I love roofs so should probably not comment this one :P


But seriously I actually had a bad start at this one, nothing to do wit you or the map, I just couldn't find my way away from the little spot I was stuck on, that lasted just a minute though until I new about the two in the front and one in the back... ladders that is.

I enjoyed this one, the only thing I could put my finger on is the Micro SMG pickup as I mentioned ingame, but that's really not a big fuzz as it function well as a ammo pickup for your main weapon (SMG).  

As good as prop less, and nothing is better than getting that to work.

No spawn issues that I could see.


Very good job for being your first one Profane.

Edited by RO9M
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Ahh, so this is where the '2 in the front, 1 in the back' comes from. :lol:


Very interesting map. Didnt get to use the sniper as desuno grabbed it first and I dont think we ever made it to the middle, so I spent the entire match on the starting rooftop with my SMG, so can't really comment much.

I wasnt brave enough to try and make it to the middle and grab a better weapon. Maybe I need to try the backdoor approach next time.

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This played much better this time around.




I liked this map when we first played it, but the new starting weapon gives it a better feel and flow.

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