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I can't post the pic because I don't know how.

Anyways there is a billboard in gta by the highway which has "HELL AWAITS" written on it. It also had "first redemption church" written on it as reference to RDR undead nightmare. The crucial thing is that it has the number "2312" written on the bottom right corner. I check the date and it is Tuesday, 23, December. For all of you who don't know, rockstar releases a large majority if not all of its dlc's on a Tuesday. So I have hope that this might refer to a substantial future dlc for gta 5!

Again, I have a pic but I don't know how to post it


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I don't really see why R* would release something like that around Christmas. It's all speculation. Besides, if true, why wouldn't R* release it last December? I think you're looking too far into this.

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I'll be surprised if R* is still releasing significant updates to GTAO old gen in December, even if there was to be a DLC on December 23rd - I doubt it would be anything other than Christmas.


I have little interest in a zombie DLC, I don't think it would suit the game.

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I'll be surprised if R* is still releasing significant updates to GTAO old gen in December, even if there was to be a DLC on December 23rd - I doubt it would be anything other than Christmas.


I have little interest in a zombie DLC, I don't think it would suit the game.

I don't know what type of DLC it is, but I hope it is something cool

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I'll be surprised if R* is still releasing significant updates to GTAO old gen in December, even if there was to be a DLC on December 23rd - I doubt it would be anything other than Christmas.


I have little interest in a zombie DLC, I don't think it would suit the game.

Do you really think so DC? R* has not offered any paid DLC since the game came out. They made paid DLC for GTA4, RDR, Max Payne3 and GTA5 sold better than all of those. They would be leaving an awful lot of money on the table if they abandon the current gen for any more DLC and just focus on the newest generation. I hope they offer something new in the future, I know I'd buy it.


Also no interest in zombie either. :smiley-shocked003:

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R* said weeks or a month ago that 12GB ps3 users would have to update their system to be able to keep up with GTA:O.


This is true.  That's why I expect updates still.  However, I don't think R* is going to be giving the PS3 users large DLC's like in the past.  My favorite DLC's were High Life and the Business update.  Ever since those updates, the DLC's have gone down hill and have been poor quality, IMO.

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Quite sure there will be future DLC's for the PS3. The game is only 1 year old and has sold 30 million copies.  Not everyone will be getting a PS4/Xthingy straight away either. R has every interest in keeping the PS3 game alive for a good while.


I wouldn't read too much into these ingame clues. Most, if not all are just easter eggs and funny references. Also, R is notorious for not sticking to dates.




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