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I know what you mean. But I think it's just cause the originals are so much more memorable. Like when you see Scouring the Projects II, you automatically think of the first one.

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I just ran it. I really like it. The only issue I noticed is when I managed to screw up the first jump, I couldn't get enough speed from the previous CP. But it could be me.

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This was fun. It's not as "typical" as you'd expect from the tracks you make. This one feels very fluid and the ramps across the staircases were an interesting and neat touch.


The only issue was that CP by the first set of ramps, but if that'd been addressed then that's all I can remember really standing out that needed adjusting.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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This was a really fun track.  I think I actually like it better than the first.  Like it's been said, the only issue was the CP by the ramps, but other than that, this is an excellent race with a lot of interesting features.


Nice job, Dodge! :)

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Cool track, but I must admit I was expecting more mayhem.


Where is my mayhem?  : FIRE :


On a serious note, It's a fast track, quite tricky with muscle cars.


I didn't notice the respawn issue at the first jump because I managed to land it twice.

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Too easy. :(


Where's jumping into tight spaces, manouvering between telegraph poles, uneven surfaces, breaking through fences, going off-road, jumping out of storm drains, ... 


It's like Karate Kid and Karate Kid II, greatest movie ever made and wait ... I didnt even know they made Karate Kid II... :lol:



Nah, jk, very cool and fun track, muscle cars are perfect, out of 4 laps I've tried so far, I only screwed up first jump once and landed on the roof of a house, drove off and used the 2nd set of ramps. Nice job!

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