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Death Adder


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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a really fun GTA race.  You really should promote it more because it rocks.  If you're too busy trying to bomb someone, you can easily miss your checkpoint and that makes things even more interesting.  :)

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Thanks, guys. Glad you like it. I was going for simple, yet destructive. Looks like I achieved it.

Bang on. A good GTA race to me is one where I'm laughing so hard I damn near forget I'm racing. That's exactly what happened.

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Thanks, guys. Glad you like it. I was going for simple, yet destructive. Looks like I achieved it.

Yep its destuctive. I was winning the playlist, this was the last race and I had a 10 point lead. It destroyed my chances of winning the playlist. Still like the track though.

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Luckily for you I didn't have my mic yesterday evening as I was lol'ing from start to finish. Wouldn't mind playing this one a few times more ^_^

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  • 6 months later...

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