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Alphas and Asshats


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Cool, I can add it to the PL tonight if you'd like.  I used to own an Alpha, and loved that car, so it looks like it will be a lot of fun.

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Alphas and me? :D Haha.

Nice route with this one Goon

Yep. Made it just for you, ya asshat.

Yep, pretty straightforward route, enjoyed it myself too. Alpha was completely new to me though, have never driven that car before; interesting.

I bought one when they came out, but didn't have it very long. Pretty solid car though
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Excellent track!  Plenty of space, nice turns, and a lot of fun.  I liked this one a lot, and it was great getting to use the Alpha.


Nice job!

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Bookmarked this, I thoroughly enjoyed the route. Simple and straightforward. Definitely meshes well with what I like to make. Good car for a great track.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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DAMN GOON! Sweet car choice for a GREAT track. The car was a real hoot to learn how to drive but that track tho, pretty sweet for ALL types of rides  :D 


Maybe I just got all excited because it had Asshat in the name, who knows. Lol. Good one man

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