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OCDish Behavior/Rituals


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So one of my neighbors who I most mornings arrive at the parking lot the same time as, I've noticed that he always unlocks his car 3 times. Found it quite interesting and a bit funny. He then hops right into the car and drives off right away so by the looks of it, it's hopefully not something that dictates his life. Just a bit ODCish behavior.

That got me thinking if there's anyone on here who've odd things like that, rituals that has to be completed before doing something/sports/going to bed, etc.?

Edited by Banketelli
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I'm weird enough without any rituals. At one time though, I had a neighbor with hard core OCD. I always heard the locks on his doors at the same times every day; morning leaving for work, got home, before bed, etc. 3 times on each lock on each door. Lights flickering on and off. Patio door opened and closed, locked and unlocked. 

I tried to make nice with the guy, but he wouldn't make eye contact with anybody, much less speak to them. It seems like OC folks become sl*ve to those behaviors, must be rough.

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I have several OCD things. The one that aggravates the wife the most is I have to eat with a certain plate and utensils. I can not eat anything that I have to pick up with my hands unless it is on a bun or bread. Makes eating things like ribs difficult. 



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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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When preparing any types of meat I will spend the time to cut each and every small piece of fat off it, and if any parts of the meat seems gelatinous or discoloured it's coming off as well.

Edited by Smurf
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When turning the volume up or down on a TV or Radio etc,etc, the number the volume is set to must be an even number. I have recently learnt that I am not the only one to do this.

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When I leave the house for work I always check and double check I have my phone and work key fob - even when I know I just picked them up from the the table right next to the door I have gone out of.

My wife has a thing about corks in wine bottles. Once you have taken them out they must not go back in. It's quite funny sometimes when we're out with other people and someone else casually puts a cork back in the bottle and I can see my wife getting agitated and eventually she'll have to ask someone pass her the bottle just so she can take cork out again.

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I've got some, here's a few:

If I leave a room without a light on, I quickly switch it on and off before leaving.

I look out of my bedroom window before I get into bed every night.

I put 2x 1/2 spoons of sugar in my coffee instead of just 1 regular spoonful. Tastes different. I will also ask for this anywhere I have a coffee and I'll know the difference. Brother finds it entertaining :classic_laugh:


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I have an electric heater at work, alway have to check it 3 times before I leave so I am sure it is off, not sure if this is a safety and bad memory combo more than ocd though.

2 hours ago, M.C.Lethal Dose said:

When turning the volume up or down on a TV or Radio etc,etc, the number the volume is set to must be an even number. I have recently learnt that I am not the only one to do this.

My wife is the same Lethal, volume on even. In the car I sneak it up by one on the steering wheel to get on her t*ts. What’s even better is telling Alexa to set the volume to 3.7 😂😂

Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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2 hours ago, JuniorChubb said:

I have an electric heater at work, alway have to check it 3 times before I leave so I am sure it is off, not sure if this is a safety and bad memory combo more than ocd though.

My wife is the same Lethal, volume on even. In the car I sneak it up by one on the steering wheel to get on her t*ts. What’s even better is telling Alexa to set the volume to 3.7 😂😂

same here, my car deosnt have numbers for volume, but sections with 3 notches per section.

so it has to be a full section and the notch on the volume knob and the corresponding selection knob onn the other side must be pointing to 12:00

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50% Cat 50% Man 110% Bellend

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I can't say I've had an OCD thing or routine. I think the closest I come to an compulsive disorder is my mental hang up of feeling like I'm still at work until I take off the shoes I wore at work all day long. Yep...that is why i hate running errands with the wife after work...i dont get home until 10pm and I feel like I worked 13+ hour day. My work day doesnt feel like it ends until I take off them shoes. 

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21 hours ago, JuniorChubb said:

I have an electric heater at work, alway have to check it 3 times before I leave so I am sure it is off, not sure if this is a safety and bad memory combo more than ocd though.

My wife is the same Lethal, volume on even. In the car I sneak it up by one on the steering wheel to get on her t*ts. What’s even better is telling Alexa to set the volume to 3.7 😂😂

You are evil! 😂😂😂

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