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Why are you making money?


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I'm curious as to what your reasons are for making money in GTAO at this point?

I see posts in shoutbox daily about million dollar sales so clearly folks are building their bank accounts. 

Personally I like to have 5-12 million so I can buy whatever new thing, like the nightclub, comes in an update so I can play the new activity/missions or to buy a new or on sale vehicle I want. 

Tell me your reasons. 

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One is honestly simply because I can (I like to collect things).

Second to be able to buy stuff that might be released. There are also alot of things I never did buy, the flying cars and motorcycles for example.

And If nothing else to be able to improve my garages.

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Because the game forces us to do it. 

Everything is more and more expensive every update (not so much with After Hours though). 

I currently have 6 millions in the bank. Been a long time since I had more than 1 million. 

I'm gonna try to keep at least 5 millions at all times for the reasons you guys mentionned above : being able to enjoy the new stuff on day one and buy cars I want when they're on sale. 

But I must say that I hate the grind. Been going on for too long. 

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I spend all my money on cars.  

I have a bunker, weed farm, and as CEO I have the import/export business and a Nightclub. 

However I don’t have a lot of time to game through out the week and really really hate money grinding.  So, when I do have time it’s usually to play in a crew event.  

 I still have plenty of vehicles I’d like to own.  But I am almost always broke.  

Weaponized vehicles don’t interest me.  Especially vehicles like the Deluxo and others of it’s ilk.  

Still love the game as long as I can play with the crew.  :) 

Edited by omarcomin71
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Still somethings I want to buy and I like having money. I have been back to the point I was before the DLC twice since it came out. After second time I bought some cars and now have 26. 

So, I am going to fill garages and have some "just in case" cash. Besides, it's all passive income, done while at work or sleeping.

I'm one of those crazies that still plays the game on a daily basis.

Edited by SINISTER120
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31 minutes ago, Jjss924 said:

The terrorbyte, oppressor 2, and scramjet at this point. Those 3 should run around 15 mil.

We must oppress


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2 hours ago, Jjss924 said:

The terrorbyte, oppressor 2, and scramjet at this point. Those 3 should run around 15 mil.

Forgot about those. I want them too. 

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Just to have enough for the next update. New update arrives, spend a few mill, grind for the next one. The cycle continues... At least this one is easy money. I reckon R* is killing this game off what with RDR2 coming out soon. 

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I doubt GTA goes anywhere for some time. Unless they go insane, the RDR online environment will be much too tame for most. GTAO will be around until its replacement. 

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I dunno? Maybe just because I’m a greedy bastard? Or because it’s too easy?

Since the After Hours update I earned about 25 million with the night club and the bunker by being AFK most of the time. 

My goal is to reach 50 million before the end of this week, when I’m leaving for holiday.

That should be enough for the last 2 months of GTAO, I guess?

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I spent all mine. I was down to 25,000 at one point in the weekend. 

Currently on AFK semi-permanently while I build stocks and funds so even though I’m online I’m not there. 

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I have plenty, 23M. No grind, just cut back on the spending a bit a few months ago.

I'm playing alone almost all the time. Few VIP jobs, promote, export a car or whatever and I'm done.

Any purchase right now is kinda pointless. They ruined all new cars with those stupid flags making the cars slow, and I don't need anything else while playing solo.

When RDR2 comes, I'm finished with the game, 23M should do me until then.

Edited by DavidCore89
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First I had to buy some cars for some H2H, but now I don't have to make more money. I think I only have 2/3 million and with that I buy ammo or clothes.

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure, just hit 40M doing the nightclub sales. Still havent got some of the weird newer vehicles and probably wont get them, but i will fill up any garages i can get. I imagine I will play the game until VI drops so I am sure I can spend it sooner or later.

Just remember i havent done the story mode yet, not that the money will be of any use..

Edited by Lann
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My money making is a by product of the fun I'm having with you guys.??

I have never been a big fan of business work and money grinding in gta online. I've mainly done it to get specific vehicles, but not anymore.



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  • 2 months later...
1 minute ago, Sinister said:

Don't forget the 2+ million dollar muscle car that requires a 2+ million dollar garage in order to make stock.

Yea, only listed what i didnt already buy :)



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