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Race your Seashark over land and water in this homage to the Playstation classic.

This is an older race that was severely impacted by the Trigger Location bug and I had been unable to fix it. Apparently the problem was fixed, because the job no longer crashes in the creator. I've greatly shortened the track from what it used to be, laps now run about 1:20, and plan on turning the rest of the old track into a second version of this race. If anyone has any issues or suggestions, I'd be happy to hear.

Fixing this race made me realize how badly the Sea Race Creator needs to be updated; no stunt props, no Advanced Placement options, and a 100 prop limit. It seems like making a Transform race and locking it to whichever boat wanted is the better option for making sea races. Transform races are limited to only 16 players, but there are far better design options available with extra props and placement options.



Edited by kernalhogan
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Glad to see this back :)

Totally agree about the creator for sea races. But I assume R* are not motivated to do anything about it since so little has been done with sea races. They probably see transform races as the way to go for including boats.


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