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A Leisurely Drive


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Finally created another race. Not real sure about it, but it seems fun to me. It's got a little bit of everything. Wide open racing, tight technical spots, and a very small off-road section that's kinda tricky (this section is questionable and may be removed). Give it a shot and let me know what you think. Any feedback is helpful.

Thanks, guys.


Edited by DeaD_GooN
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Will try it out later.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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It is a good race, I would suggest an edit on CP 10 and 11, that corner has zero warning and I think you could get on better with just one CP there instead of 2

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Thanks, man. I know it needs some fine tuning. I'll definitely give that spot some attention. I think it was ink that suggested moving the one under the bridge before the railroad section. It's hard to tell which on ramp to take. I'll get it updated soon. Appreciate the feedback.

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