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How can I upload snapmatic photos...


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... in high quality using only a ps4 and a smart phone?

I enjoy the photography aspect of the game a lot, and even think I could take some competitive photos. But I cannot work out how to get them from GTA's gallery into my phone in a format that I can then work with. @Crawford1872 mentioned something involving Twitter but he might just have been advertising :P

After that I will need to get them onto the forum. Is there a dedicated host gallery attached to this website?

All help greatly appreciated :)

Edited by The_Lady_A
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Can explain it a bit better here @The_Lady_A I made a second twitter for uploading stuff. Although Facebook and (only me) as the post setting for who can view it also works, I just figured having everything in the one place was more tidy. 

So just find the picture you want to upload on R* social club, save it to your phone. Tweet/FB the photo. 

Then you just share the picture with 'copy link' and post right into a thread. It'll come up as a link but should should embed automatically after a few seconds. 

Also, For screenshots from the PS4 to be shared I linked the PS4 to my secondary twitter. So it can automatically upload at a button press which is helpful for crew challenges and stuff :) 

Edited by Crawford1872
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I totally forgot about that bit, in the start menu in GTAO you scroll the headers and see all the photos you have taken, go on each one you wish to upload to RSC and upload it (I think it's R3 but the instructions on screen are decent.) once done just follow the steps I gave above.

You can't copy and paste straight from RSC to the site (at least not on iPhone)

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