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Hi guys.....errrr.....yeah


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I've been invit d to check this crew out from gtaforums and you do seem like a great bunch; not too strict but committed to maintaining a positive experience. 


I enjoy all the play styles of GTAO (except land grab :/)  but am mainly lacking in the social aspect. I'd like to be accepted in an active community. In return you'll get dedication, fair play and respectful gaming from me. I'm 34 and have been using the internet for 20 years - the need to troll, grief or otherwise spoil everyone's fun was out of my system a long time ago. 


Now im just looking for a fun place to get more out of my game. 


Hope me to see you all real soon :)



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Hey Victor, 

The message about the site was sent before you stated that you were a PC player. We have a few members on here who do play on the PC but predominately it's a PS4 crew. Hopefully some of the PC players will find you and send you a friend request. 

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