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My name is Lijanor I am looking to join a the Domestic Battery Gaming KDF and Federation fleets for Star Trek Online. I am hoping that this crew can offer me gamers who are interested in exchanging character optimization ideas, organizing PvP or PvE events, and casual gaming when time permits.

I will hopefully be able to contribute to the website once or twice a week and play online several times a week (STO is the main game I am playing right now, followed distantly by Overwatch ).  I can see from reading the content of this site that the membership is primarily interested in GTA, but I look forward to engaging members who are also interested in STO.

I reside in Alberta so I follow Mountain time. At the expense of sounding like a newb, I noticed in the introduction guidelines a mention of tagging domestic battery gaming on my profile. I am unsure as to/if how this is done on STO. If this step is necessary can someone please provide me with steps on how this is done? 


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Welcome Lijanor. I'm Dodge. PSN ID - Dodgeservice.  I run the Starfleet side of the crew. @Hatch runs the KDF. There is no Vetting Policy at this time on STO. 

This website has a subforum for Star Trek Online, as well as other games. Most of what you will see here is related to GTA V. That is how we were founded, and is our Primary game here. But feel free to look around, and comment where you see fit. 

Shoot me, and JustHatched a friend request on PSN, and we will get you an invite to the Fleets. 

Welcome Aboard. 


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Yes the site is very GTA oriented, but this is the main game of Domestic Battery and the game it was founded in. We have pockets of crew members whom play Destiny, Battlefield, COD, and STO, none are at the level we play GTA though. 


I guess you might be wondering what the goal for our STO fleets are? Basically we will get some PvE/P activities going, the hang up on that atm is most of the fleet members are still less than level 50, though the KDF fleet is going to have it's first go at an organized event this coming Wednesday (check in game for details and to rsvp for the event) and plan to repeat that on every Wednesday for awhile. As a host I am still learning what we can do with how many players.


Obviously with Arc Games not adding fleet holdings to the game right now messes us and all the other fleets up by limiting the purpose of a fleet, so we are just trying to get our foot in the door and do what we can.


As far as the website goes, the STO subforum is available, how in depth we ever take STO on the site would depend on how many fleet members join the site, it is not required to join unlike the GTA crew, it is required to join just for the chance to become a member. As it stand you are the only STO member who is not in the GTA crew on the website. That said feel free to jump in any conversation posted, little patience while things are ironed out cuz we don;t like to do things then have to undo it later. 


Feel free to invite me to a team if you see me online, I'm up for any mission, PvE and PvP

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I am playing a level 30 klingon science officer. I'll look you up online when I get home.


Btw does anyone have any opinions as to what weapons compliment a klingon science vessel that is focuses on support and special attacks? So far my ship is beam focused and I am wondering if I should switch to torpedos as many science abilities are geared to ripping apart shields anyways so having torpedos to generate hull damage might offer a better compliment as opposed to beams, disrupts,  etc.

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24 minutes ago, Lijanor said:


I am playing a level 30 klingon science officer. I'll look you up online when I get home.


Btw does anyone have any opinions as to what weapons compliment a klingon science vessel that is focuses on support and special attacks? So far my ship is beam focused and I am wondering if I should switch to torpedos as many science abilities are geared to ripping apart shields anyways so having torpedos to generate hull damage might offer a better compliment as opposed to beams, disrupts,  etc.

Later tonight I'll be making a post that cover some of the setups I think work well. I dunno about the science specific but it will cover a broad range

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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@Lijanor, I temporarily put u in the unvetted user group so u have full site access till we sort out how we gonna have STO in with GTA

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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