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Is buying Name Brand important to you?


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Things like shoes, clothes, electronics, food, whatever.... is it important to you to buy name brand items?


I prefer name brand on most things, I guess I feel better with warranties knowing something like Sony for example been in business for years and isn't some 3rd world fly by night company. Clothes I could care less.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I buy from whomever I have the best experiences with. I refuse to buy off brand electronics, such as Tablets, Laptops, etc.

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Food and clothes I'm not that bothered about brand. If I'm spending a lot of money on something like a TV I will tend to buy a mainstream name brand, but I would still check out the reviews.

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I do go for certain brands, but usually because I've had a positive experience in the past. I don't necessarily want to spend more money than I have to, but buying the more expensive and better known brand can sometimes save money in the long run due to better build quality, parts, warranty, etc. I guess sometimes everyone wants the nicer things, whether that's a car, TV, handbag, kitchen or whatever.

IMO you get what you've paid for with most things (if not, return it :P). Almost every product has a budget version available these days, but from my experience if you buy cheap; you buy twice (especially when buying an unknown generic electrical brand).

A brand can spend over a decade in gaining the trust of a consumer, but it only takes one bad experience to break it... 


Edited by DavidCore89
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Clothes and shoes I really couldn't care less about brands. I usually just go for the cheapest decent quality option.

Electronic goods, I don't really buy new stuff that often. I tend to assume if something is really cheap then it's probably not good quality, but of the top brands I don't favour anyone over the others.

Food, it depends. There are some items of food I would only ever get one specific brand of because I know I like them and cheaper ones aren't as nice. This tends to be not exactly luxuries but non-essentials, like I mainly buy McVitie's biscuits. But there are lots of branded food items I think are a waste of money and would always go for the un-branded alternatives.

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I only buy brand name items for my pets and the stuff that goes on my skin like soaps and shampoos. Also for food items and batteries for important devices like fire alarms. 

Clothes stopped being name brand after I left the corporate environment over a decade ago. 


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