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Stats: Longest wanted level duration


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Last stat thread from me today.


My longest wanted level duration is: 12 min 07 sec.


No idea when or how it lasted so long but I think it might have been that mission where the you need to Steal the Cargobob and then you get half of LSPD in the air with you while you wait for your buddy to smash them with some rockets, hopefully giving you time to fly away, escape and collect the container from the airport.


If you've done that mission with me you'll know It doesn't always go that smoothly :lol:



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13m 7sec. It was freedoms with sam, furdog, dodge, and myself at the movie studio. If I remember right I used something like 14,500 in ammo. Sorry if I forgot anybody if anybody else was there.

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Mine is 10 min 46 sec with dodge, Sam an ssracing. I was late to the party. I think we destroyed all of the LSPD's choppers that day. At the end some random joined us on the roof and shot me in the face.

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Lol...mind you this was before the idle timer...I have 26hours 10mins. A friend parked his car in front of a store I was robbing and I was trapped inside since our chars dont know the meaning of pull...I waited for a bit then left my ps3 on and simply forgot til next day and bam...

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  • 3 weeks later...



Almost sure it was either in one of the train heists I've done recently or on a perfect rooftop I found near the strip club. In both you can last as long as the ammo is enough to bring down choppers, as on foot police can't reach you.

Edited by Arruda
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  • 1 month later...

A fun where to have 5 stars and have the odds on your side is this location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0YCvCCoA8E


It's one of those spots where you're not "supposed" to be but it's definitely not a glitch either.  In the far corner on the side of the street you're impossible to get a hit and you're covered from heli's on most places. Good overview to shoot compared to other spots.


Just wanted to share since it's easily my favorite spot, survived for 12 hours something in a row and killed thousands of cops for those leaderboard spots.

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A fun where to have 5 stars and have the odds on your side is this location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0YCvCCoA8E


It's one of those spots where you're not "supposed" to be but it's definitely not a glitch either.  In the far corner on the side of the street you're impossible to get a hit and you're covered from heli's on most places. Good overview to shoot compared to other spots.


Just wanted to share since it's easily my favorite spot, survived for 12 hours something in a row and killed thousands of cops for those leaderboard spots.

That's quite interesting.

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A fun where to have 5 stars and have the odds on your side is this location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0YCvCCoA8E


It's one of those spots where you're not "supposed" to be but it's definitely not a glitch either.  In the far corner on the side of the street you're impossible to get a hit and you're covered from heli's on most places. Good overview to shoot compared to other spots.


Just wanted to share since it's easily my favorite spot, survived for 12 hours something in a row and killed thousands of cops for those leaderboard spots.


 I once thought I've found an "invincible" spot until those bastards started throwing tear gas near me, didnt last long after that lol. Was on a ground level though, I'm  guessing they cant throw it on balconies.

Edited by zmurko76
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 I once thought I've found an "invincible" spot until those bastards started throwing tear gas near me, didnt last long after that lol. Was on a ground level though, I'm  guessing they cant throw it on balconies.

Would be cool if you could use a gas mask.

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 I once thought I've found an "invincible" spot until those bastards started throwing tear gas near me, didnt last long after that lol. Was on a ground level though, I'm  guessing they cant throw it on balconies.


Yeh, apperently they do throw tear gas. Found that out on that spot: They luckily miss from streetlevel.


One tiny side-note on that spot I mentioned earlier (

) is sometimes cops land on the roof and kill themselves by throwing teargas agains a wall. Tiny sidenote is I had cops (coming in by heli) shooting at me from that rooftop once or twice in 12 hours (so chances are small). Just to keep in the back of your head if someone tries it!
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Yeh, apperently they do throw tear gas. Found that out on that spot: They luckily miss from streetlevel.


One tiny side-note on that spot I mentioned earlier (

) is sometimes cops land on the roof and kill themselves by throwing teargas agains a wall. Tiny sidenote is I had cops (coming in by heli) shooting at me from that rooftop once or twice in 12 hours (so chances are small). Just to keep in the back of your head if someone tries it!

I'd love to try that one day but It's a huge task.

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I've seen a "versus" mission where the world record is around 2500 kills. I had around 5800 in 9 hours (where 3 hours were not efficient) so a session of 5 hours should do for a world record. Let me know if you want to have a go in a weekend, I'll join you!


It is a huge task though, no way around it :)

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I might be down for something like that too, closing on rank 100 and RPG, so I can start enjoying some 5 star chases.

I'd also like to try a challenge and do a full lap with a high wanted level on a train one day too. From LS through Senora desert, Paleto bay and back.

Its really challenging shooting down choppers with RPG from a moving train, done it a couple of times with Trevor, you have to aim way ahead of one.

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Well, an RPG is empty quite quickly in session like this! I learned how to aim for the tail of a chopper and found how how incredibly detailed is all is. You actually need to hit the back rotor with a couple of bullets, you can see it snap and the chopper crashes. Detail being the rotor. You actually need to hit it perfectly. By far the easiest if the tail of the chopper is to the right  so it's not blocked by the body of the tail.


That being said an RPG does make life way easier and in a long session you should loose your 5 stars a couple of times to get more ammo. Might be worth it to to test if you can call Lester more then once during a mission, I didn't and escaped it all by car.


Getting off-topic here a bit (I'm getting enthusiastic about it again :P) so if anyone wants to plan it out please reply to me here: http://www.domesticbatterygta.com/topic/880-leading-the-non-race-leaderboards/?hl=%2Bleading+%2Bthe+%2B%28non-race%29+%2Bleaderboards.


Would definitely be up for the train one though, any day!

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