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(Gta V) **Criminal Mastermind**


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Date of Event: Monday  July, 4, 2016

Time of Event: in UTC: 9pm Central, Monday

Host of Event: Prodigy_Rocks_

Amount of Players Allowed: 4

Special Rules for Event: None

Description of Event: Me, @Jjss924, @RichnLin, and @v_prisonbre4k will be taking on the Criminal Mastermind Challenge.

Edited by Prodigy_Rocks_
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A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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To settle who will host, I'll host since I want you all to gain the most money. 

Edited by Prodigy_Rocks_

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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Someone will have to host the other fleece too, right? 

How does that work actually? 

I've read up on it a little bit, I got it.. Nevermind lol

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So pretty much we have to be the turtle in the turtle and the hare race huh?? Slow and steady and we should be alright! 

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39 minutes ago, v_prisonbre4k said:

So pretty much we have to be the turtle in the turtle and the hare race huh?? Slow and steady and we should be alright! 

1. For your first post, yes someone else will have to host for Flecca job. We'll group up when we are ready for the prison break setups. This is a good time for me to warn you and the others that in the heist, sometimes the magnet of the cargobob may not spawn, in that case rehost the heist (not restart).

I should also warn you all to keep track of your progress by viewing it on social club. When I did mine, some of us didn't have the progress registered and we had to restart the whole thing again. If any of you noticed that your progress isn't matching the number of setups and heist done, let us know.

2. Pretty much. We can take all the time we need to prepare for each setup and heist but we will only have one attempt. If we "fail" a mission, as in no one died, it won't register and reset. It'll only reset if anyone of us plays a setup/heist that's not in order, someone dies, or anyone of us plays a heist/setup with different players.

ex. Stealth setups

Edited by Prodigy_Rocks_

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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Q and A's

Q: How will we communicate?

A: We will use a text room party chat. If you have mic, then use it. Also be sure to tap into the chat room every so often as you may get kicked out for being afk too long.


Q: Who is going to do the hard roles in each heist?

A: Most likely me as I've played every role and I know which are the difficult, however I will have to be on my highest guard as my play style is an aggressive assault.


Q: Is a Kuruma necessary for every setup/heist 

A: Better to be safe than sorry, but if you strongly feel that you don't want to, then choose a different car. There are some setups where it isn't even necessary but it's up to you.


Q: I accidently blew up a vehicle, the mission failed but no one died, will it reset?

A. No


Q: I RSVP for Rich's Hell playlist, should I un-RSVP?

A: It's ultimately up to you to decide whether or not you want to go. If you choose to go then we will wait for you. In the meantime we will be doing missions and survivals to pass the time and for sure practicing the Pacific Standard escape route. I recommend that you don't so that we will have lots of time to complete the CMC, however it's up to you.


A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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Oh and forgot to mention, if we don't finish the CMC within two days and this thread gets locked, I'll start up the same thread in a different category so that you can discuss or ask questions.

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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  • Consigliere

I've completed CMM successfully 3 times, so I'm happy to host one of the Fleeca jobs and take a smaller cut of the finales. I've got $10m already with my PS3 character and nothing to spend it on! My PS4 character, on the other hand, is broke!

Edited by RichnLin
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  • Consigliere
22 minutes ago, Prodigy_Rocks_ said:

Oh and forgot to mention, if we don't finish the CMC within two days and this thread gets locked, I'll start up the same thread in a different category so that you can discuss or ask questions.

I'll set up a PM when I get home. No locking that!

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I just got on forums and saw all this.  Work is super busy for the holiday. I will have to be late tonight. My kids' plans were cancelled, so we are watching fireworks shows from my house. I can be online before 10, and i can stay late if needed. I'm free tomorrow and the rest of the week nights as well.

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