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Looking for help


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The wife and I are looking for two people to run heists with today if possible. Just a quick run through to unlock vehicles, not wanting to attempt CMM yet.

ShortSweetNSassy is a new player, and I have my lower level character who needs the unlocks too.

We are both currently in game, just message either of us through PSN if you are interested.

We plan on even splits for all payouts, 25% for everyone. Probably run setups on easy or normal, and finales on hard, for more monies.

Headphones/microphones are a must.

Would love to run all heists with the same crew.

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I'll be around all day today if you guys need any help. I haven't run all the heist yet so it will be a learning experience for me too :lol:

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One day the sadness will end.


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