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HI everyone. My name is Shanice B. You can call me Shane, Shan or SB. I'm a level 96 player. I was on Social Club looking in the forums looking at all the different crews out there. I came across your name in an article and decided to do more digging. I like the vibe your crew has and the fact that you are mature gamers and have set rules and guidelines. I have been in crews where the leader was as childish as an 5th grader and that to me is sad. I love to meet new people and have fun. I consider myself a decent sniper and an excellent driver. Cant wait to meet and play up with you guys!

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  • SBeezy093


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Welcome the the home of the gaming crew known as Domestic Battery. We work hard to be a fun, mature, active, and dependable crew. We do however have some guidelines in place to ensure that we maintain the environment we have built. Please take time to read our Crew Policies and Guidelines. Feel free to ask any questions, we will do our best to answer them. Please note everyone here is human and on occasion it may take some time to get your crew invite out. Normally this is done within the first hour of your posting. Hope you get with the crew in game and have fun.


If you have joined the site to talk gaming but have no interest in joining our crew that is fine, you are free to join in any discussion you have access to (only crew sensitive areas are blocked), please click the above link to review the site rules.

The XDBX Crew

This is a generated auto reply merely providing valuable crew links to help you become a valued member of the crew and/or website.



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Please read the following and answer the questions in your intro.

A Brief Introduction

First of all, welcome and thank you for expressing interest in our Grand Theft Auto Online crew, Domestic Battery. We are a casual group who enjoy all this game has to offer as well as socializing and networking with like-minded individuals. At our core we uphold key values such as respect and integrity, as well as cherishing people from different backgrounds with different perspectives. This means we are a mostly mature group of people who like to have fun.


What XDBX Means

Finding a great group of people to play with is what this game is all about. Here at XDBX we offer that experience, on both PS3 and PS4 platforms. 


Our philosophy is quality over quantity. We are not a speciality crew. We play anything and everything. We also have a strong foundation in creating incredible custom jobs via the various creators. While we appreciate individuals who are only interested in certain game modes, like missions and heists, we are not that. We encourage people to broaden their horizons. Likewise, skill level means nothing to us, only the willingness to try. You will get out of this crew what you put into it.


We Want You

We appreciate your interest in us. Let’s make it happen. Before we do though, there’s a few things we’d like to find out about you so please be sure to include that information in yourintroduction thread (following simple directions is important). Once that’s done and we feel we’re a fit for one another, an invite will be extended to you and vetting will begin immediately (details to follow later).


1. What time zone are you active in? (Ex. East Coast of the US GMT -5)

2. What are some of your goals/reasons for joining a crew?

3. For 2 weeks our tags must remain active (during Vetting), can you abide by this? (Afterwards you can swap at will but we should be your primary)

4. Will you be able to attend at least 1 event and/or game with the crew once per week and visit out site frequently?

Also we would like to know what platform you game on, and your PSN and RSC ID. 

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To answer you questions:

1. What time zone are you active in? (Ex. East Coast of the US GMT -5)

  • I am on the East coast of the US.

2. What are some of your goals/reasons for joining a crew?

  • My reasons for joining a crew are to have fun and enjoy myself. I want to make new friends and meet people who enjoy gaming together and making the best of a session. I also love crews that act like a family and have each others back.

3. For 2 weeks our tags must remain active (during Vetting), can you abide by this? (Afterwards you can swap at will but we should be your primary)

  • I can definitely abide by keeping the tag my active tag until and after vetting is done :). 

4. Will you be able to attend at least 1 event and/or game with the crew once per week and visit out site frequently?

  • And I game everyday so I can definitely attend events and login to the site daily.
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4 minutes ago, SBeezy093 said:

Hey guys. How do I RSVP for events? I want to make sure I am doing it correctly and on time!

Once your status is changed (soon), you can see the events in the countdown or calender


click on one and you can rsvp


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Are the times next to each event by time zone? Since I am on the East coast of the US (EST) I want to make sure I have the correct time.

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3 minutes ago, SBeezy093 said:

Are the times next to each event by time zone? Since I am on the East coast of the US (EST) I want to make sure I have the correct time.

They are reflecting your timezone, so the countdown is showing the right time for you.

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Your Forum ID and PSN ID need to be the same at least through Vetting. It makes you easier to find for Members. You can change this to SBeezy093, or I can. Its up to you.

Welcome. My name is Dodge. PSN is Dodgeservice. I'm on PS3 and PS4. I am the Vetting Commissioner for XDBX. My Vetting Team and I are the ones responsible for new members, and their admission into the Crew. The Vetting Policy is explained in the Crew Policies and Guidelines, and be accessed by clicking the LINK in my Signature. Make sure you check them out. You will soon be contacted regarding Vetting by the Vetting Managers.

This website is the Focal Point, and Communication Hub for our Crew. It is an intricate part of how we maintain our integrity. So, Bookmark this website now, and visit it frequently.

Vetting Days are always on Wednesdays. Your 2 weeks period runs from the first Wednesday you are with us until the 3rd Wednesday you are with us. Depending on the day of the week that you became a member, your Vetting may run longer than 2 weeks. The days leading up to your first Wednesday count towards Vetting just like any other would. Your Vetting Period is scheduled to conclude on July 6, 2016.


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HI Dodge. Thanks for the information on the vetting process. I will read over the info. You can change my name since I cant seem to do it :)

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