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Heists Saturday Anyone??


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Would anyone like to play some heists Saturday as a crew? I'm on humane labs but I don't care who hosts the heists. Anytime is good with me. So if anyone is game just comment with a time that works for you and let's do this!! Ps.. Any tips you wanna give are welcomed. I haven't played a lot of them because the randoms I've played with don't have it together at all. Lol

Edited by v_prisonbre4k
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This Saturday? I can spare some time if it is, however next Tuesday and onwards, I'll be available.

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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Yes this Saturday and off work for the rest of the month come Wed so im game anytime then too.. Perks of having a pest control route... When it's done, I'm done :)

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Any day past next Tuesday is fine by me.

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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  • Consigliere

If you're still looking for crewmates for this, I'm available most of this coming week - except Tuesday evening US time (I'll be hosting my weekly PS3 PL) and Friday and Saturday my time (I'm working).

Afternoons US time translates to mornings the next day for me here in Oz.

Edited by RichnLin
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