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Stats: longest game session


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According to my stats it was 4h 33m 35s.

Anyone got anything ridiculous? I'm sure 4 and a half hours is a quick session for some.

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6h 41m 23s

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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9h and 7 minutes. I think it was the late evening i did want to relax and listening to the ocean sounds. I fall asleep very fast.

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xaxa  yes it seems so. Before i slept in, i fixed my controller, that i swam. I wanted to increase my stats. Not sure how many it got more. But i read anywhere that the stats going down, when you didnt played for some time. Not sure if thats true.


But what does the stats are doing ? If i am a good driver, but my driving skills are low, did it change the driving ?

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I played it solid all day from 9am till 6pm on Friday, but my session timed out a few time's so it looks like my longest session time is 4hrs something.

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I sometimes watch other ppl play on my tv in my game apt. and it keeps me logged in as long as someone else is in the game with me.

I'm not sure if this is impressive or embarrassing.

2d 6h 43m 46s

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To be honest I've never timed it but I've been on some right benders. Lately I've been too busy, too tired or both. Kind of realise I need the sleep more than the game. Last thing I need is to be fucked up and fucked up doesn't pay the bills. To be honest I'm kind of a little out of it and numb to it all.

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To be honest I've never timed it but I've been on some right benders. Lately I've been too busy, too tired or both. Kind of realise I need the sleep more than the game. Last thing I need is to be fucked up and fucked up doesn't pay the bills. To be honest I'm kind of a little out of it and numb to it all.

Bloody hell, wish I hadn't asked :P

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  • 3 months later...

7hrs 3mins 44sec achieved today (with a Dutch guy!!), happy days!  :D


Suffering from muscle atrophy now though, don't think I'll make it up the stairs! 

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Was afraid to even look, but it's not that "bad" afterall.


11h 50m 13s


Why do I think that's in-game based time though?


Which, is 2x faster.


1 irl second = 2 in game seconds.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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