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Issues on Prison hiest


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Anyone else have problems with that heist? Took me over 5 times to get that heist done. Either the stars wouldn't go away,  or Rashkovsky dies after getting off plane

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I remember an attempt when the wanted stars just wouldn't go away as well. Never had Rashkovsky die though. My biggest problem with that was attempting it with people I didn't know and someone just doing stupid things, getting them selves killed, crashing the plane etc.

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usually if the stars won't go away, jsut get out of the car briefly, then you should loose them providing the police aren't in sight.


btw if you look in the "heists" forum there is a break down in there of good tipps for each heist and how to complete them.

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  • Consigliere

ZxEmerald, I, and other members of the crew that I've run this with, have encountered a problem numerous times on the PS3 with the Prison Heist finale where the wanted stars won't disappear once you are all safely in the plane. It doesn't seem as though there are any police helicopters around, the stars should be going but they still won't go away.

You can try to do a number of things: -

* try to make sure that you've killed all the police around the area that you land the plane and then take off with Rashkovsky. I'm not sure that it's necessary, but some people swear that it does trigger the "can't lose wanted stars" glitch if you leave any police alive down on the ground

* land the plane, everyone try to pile out and then pile back in (I have a feeling that you can't get out of the plane once you get in anyway), then fly off again

* look for a couple of police dots (usually near the entrance to the prison). If they are there, have the helicopter guy blow them up

* make a beeline straight for and fly around, quite high, over the windfarm

Sometimes the wanted level starts to flash and then disappears, sometimes it doesn't. We have had to quit a number of times and restart the finale despite doing all of the above and anything else we can think of. Usually it works next time and, thankfully, quitting out doesn't lose you any progress if you're going for Criminal Mastermind.

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Had this happen to me twice, I'm pretty sure it's lag which causes the wanted level to never clear as I've also experienced the same thing in a car.

What we did on 2 mastermind runs was to put the player with the weakest connection in the Buzzard, this means their screen doesn't need to sync with yours to lose the wanted level in the plane.

Players from Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Singapore and various other places will typically have a weaker connection compared to someone from Europe or North America.

Remember, GTA is peer-to-peer, it has no servers, this means the game relies on all connections being able to reach one another with minimal issues, it's the cheap way of structuring an online game and causes nothing but lag, but think of it this way - 3 people in the plane, 2 from UK and 1 from Brazil, the peer-to-peer connection can easily communicate between the 2 UK players as the ping time is tiny, but the time it takes to send any data from UK player to Brazil player for the game to recognize you're losing the cops can be 8 or 10x as long.


Edited by DavidCore89
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Best way IMO is to each go your separate ways until the stars stop flashing.

Of course, once you're in the plane, it's not possible anymore.

We had to start the mission lots of time back then on PS3 :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try losing the cops on the hills or in the tunnel located east of Trevor's airstrip. All-in-all it's really just probability because I've seen people on Rockstar support do this method and still couldn't get the stars off. The only way you can actually complete it is by restarting the whole heist again; meaning that you have to back out and re-host. Quick restart dosen't work as I've experienced this many times and backing out helped a ton.


Personal experienced: I was forced to quick restart 5x with a group of randoms before leaving because of this. I just wanted to save them from wasting valuable game time.

Edited by Prodigy_Rocks_

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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