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Power Outage


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Power Outage



Type:  Capture - Raid
Players: 20
About the job:  A "Cross the Line" styled capture.  Starting weapon is a SMG.  Each team has grenades and more SMG pickups at the base.  There is one carbine rifle in the middle.  Target score is 6.








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Fun but too linear. Once a team decides to go for full defence then it was pretty much impossible to make ground on them.


I think the main issues were the grenades. Instead of having a grenade pick up in each base just have one centrally, that way a team can't sit back in defence throwing grenades out, grenades would become more of an offensive weapon and it would bring the battle more towards the open.

Edited by Squirrel_Army
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I'm going to replace the grenades with tear gas.  That way more team mates will run for the package instead of staying back.  I'd love to see more people try to battle it out down the middle/close to the middle as that's what it's intended for.

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I enjoyed this alot, simple tactic to advance and protect. Never got close to grab a case but the action was intense and fun, I never had to figure out where to go to find action. 

I did play it like a TDM.

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