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Tournament styles


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I have a few special tournaments in the works and I was wondering what the majority of the crew would prefer to have the tournament style played as.

Single elimination is where you a paired up with someone else at random and whoever loses gets knocked out and the winner moves on to the next round. The current tennis tournament uses this format.

This style is more of a true championship where everyone should be as good as each other and competing for the top spot. Unfortunately if you come up against a much better opponent, you will lose and be knocked out straight away, or if 2 top competitors vs each other, one will be knocked out even though they should have placed in the top 3.

Round robin is when each player will vs every other player, and at the end a total score will be added up of your wins and losses to determine who will play in the finals or be the winner. This is like most sports teams that vs each other each week and score points to see who makes the finals.

I personally prefer this style of tournament as it allows players of any skill level to compete and you get to play more than one round. You might not make it to the finals but you get the opportunity to vs people of all skill levels which will help you improve greatly and learn how other people play the game.

The main, and first tournament will be a one on one deathmatch. Doing it as a round robin will take longer, but give you the opportunity to vs everyone to see how you stack up and give you practice.

Doing it as a single elimination will be quicker but only the better players will make it through.


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I have no issues with knock-out style or round robin, I think I prefer the latter, but it can be much tougher to put on an event with that format.

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I have no issues with knock-out style or round robin, I think I prefer the latter, but it can be much tougher to put on an event with that format.

Yeah there will be heaps more work involved in organising it as a round robin but I think the outcome would be much more enjoyable for everyone involved. Each tournament style has its own place and a different feel and they can work well in most scenarios

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How about the type of tournaments they have in judo for example?


I think losers play so called repechages when they get eliminated and winners then join the main tournament again. Would need to look it up, but one bad match or a really good opponent doesn't get you knocked out completely.

Edited by zmurko
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I like the idea of the round robin but it really depends on amount of people participating in the event a round robin of 16 players could be very hard to get all matchups in a timely fashion. Have you considered a double elimination type where if you lose you go into a losers bracket but it gives you the opportunity to make your way back to 1st place in the end only needing to beat whoever made it to the end 2 times to win it all. Plus it atleast gived everyone 2 matches to play

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Maybe there needs to be a poll option for a pool/division style tournament?


I'd personally prefer a round robin over a knock out, but the number of players will probably determine which method you use though.


The problem with round robin tournaments is the time it takes to complete.

If you had 20 players in the 1 on 1 DM tournament, then each player would have to play 19 separate DM's.

A 5 minute DM + loading times + organising time = approx 10 to 15 per DM.  That's about 3 to 4 hours commitment from each player.

Then you'd have to spend several more hours trying to gather all the results & work out the final standings.


Having pools or divisions would be a much quicker & easier way to go.

Those same 20 players could be spit into 4 pools with 5 players in each.  

You'd compete against all the other players in your pool, so only 4 DM's at 10 to 15 minutes.

The top 1 or 2 players in each pool would then progress to the finals where they can then play each other to decide the overall winner.

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I like Snacks' idea. I'd like that tournament style the most. Round robin would be great as well, but only when there are less than 10 players.

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It really depends on what kind event you're holding.  Single elimination makes sense for the tennis tournament.  That style won't work well for other types of events.  Don't think I can vote for a specific style at the moment since each event could use something different each time.  If that makes sense... (sorry, it's still kind of early here)

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Single elimination works well for sports. Overall, it's easier to manage as well.

I think if it's a longer tournament, round robin could work well.


1 v 1 deathmatch or racing tournaments.

Start off with single elimination with 4 separate regions....Australia/NZ/Asia, EU, Western U.S., and Eastern U.S....the Mississippi River determining which part of the U.S. you are.

The winner of each region would then go to a round robin style tournament to determine the ultimate champion.

1 thing to keep in mind...with longer tournaments/events, the possibility of players losing interest or players forgetting about it increases.

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Robin for me but depends on event.

In last two tournament i got hatch on darts and LNB on tennis just my luck of the draw, result? Beaten without mercy :)

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Robin for me but depends on event.

In last two tournament i got hatch on darts and LNB on tennis just my luck of the draw, result? Beaten without mercy :)

Thats one of the reasons i dislike that tournament style, but such is life :P



How about the type of tournaments they have in judo for example?


I think losers play so called repechages when they get eliminated and winners then join the main tournament again. Would need to look it up, but one bad match or a really good opponent doesn't get you knocked out completely.


I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly but i think i get the idea and that would be a pretty cool way to do it. It would be almost half way between them which is cool.



Single elimination works well for sports. Overall, it's easier to manage as well.

I think if it's a longer tournament, round robin could work well.


1 v 1 deathmatch or racing tournaments.

Start off with single elimination with 4 separate regions....Australia/NZ/Asia, EU, Western U.S., and Eastern U.S....the Mississippi River determining which part of the U.S. you are.

The winner of each region would then go to a round robin style tournament to determine the ultimate champion.

1 thing to keep in mind...with longer tournaments/events, the possibility of players losing interest or players forgetting about it increases.


Thats an awesome idea to incorporate both ways, and also using timezones to separate the divisions so it should be much easier to line up times to play.


I didn't think of people losing interest but with something that could potentially take a long time, thats a definite scenario. Maybe not so much as losing interest, but forgetting about it.




Thanks for all the feed back so far!

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I'd probably rather see a mixture. Single matches for the early rounds and round robin after that.

The reason would be that it would require less organising and worrying about non attendees in the early stages and it would provide a more fair and less variable result in the end.

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Alot of good ideas posted here and for the sporty challenges i am still a fan of double elimination giving members who get the bad draw a chance to work their way back into the mix. And round robin for smaller tournaments

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My personal preference is double elimination, I think it works well with most styles of a tourney

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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