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Rockets vs Insurgents glitch?


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had a little bit of time to kill last night so i got online and loaded up a game of rvi to try and get a full lobby and then go do some job hopping. a few crew members joined in and the game launched with i believe 10 people. the first 2 rounds went like normal but i believe it was round 3 where the team up on the cat walk were forced to use pistols instead of rpgs. the next round my team still had rpgs but then after that every round left was played out with pistols. alot of people ended up quitting the game and we were left with pretty much just crew left.

so the question is did this ever happen to anyone else? anyone know why or how this happens

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I know that on the snipers vs stunters if a player joined after the game had started the next round they would be able to access their own gun inventory, even with forced weapons locked, that happened yesterday, some members joined in the middle of the game, maybe that was the issue

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I know that on the snipers vs stunters if a player joined after the game had started the next round they would be able to access their own gun inventory, even with forced weapons locked, that happened yesterday, some members joined in the middle of the game, maybe that was the issue

could have been as 2 crew members did join right around when things went wacky

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I've played an entire game with pistols for both teams.  That only happened once though.


On a few occasions, the RPG's are replaced with pistols for one round only.  

Think it happens when someone joins the game after spectating.  It doesn't always happen though.


The other day, Berzey joined after spectating.  For the rest of the game, only he had pistols while the rest of his team had RPG's.   :lol:

So everyone on the catwalk was seeing RPG pickups, but Berzey was seeing pistol pickups.  

Of course he got the most kills as it's easier to shoot the driver than it is to blow up the Insurgent.

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just hope it doesnt happen all the time as i enjoy the game mode and yeah pistols make it alot easier to get kills

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Yeah it's a rather common thing. There is no obvious thing causing it. It just happens at random. Usually it goes away the next round but some times it stays for everyone, just one person or one team.

I have had the bug once where I got all my owned weapons on an lts after joining in and spectating, though it is extremely rare.

I think rockstar are annoyed that everyone keeps playing it so they decided to screw with us :P unfortunately you just have to put up with it for now..

Edited by ScottyB88
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Yeah, I really enjoy it too, True.  It's amazing how balanced the game is with RPG's.

Either team can win any round, regardless of their rank.


The only thing that disappoints me is that suicides don't count as kills for the Insurgent team.

Quite often there'll be only one person left on the catwalk because all his teammates fell off or blew themselves up.

The Insurgents may have only lost one player, but the rocketeers will win the round because they have more kills.

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Anyone know why there's a random weapon pickup near the insurgents? There's always some random smartarse climbs a roof and tries to get cheap kills with it.

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Anyone know why there's a random weapon pickup near the insurgents? There's always some random smartarse climbs a roof and tries to get cheap kills with it.

It's gone now but i think it was to stop people who were jumping down. Talk about a round a bout way to fix a problem! He has now put barriers there to prevent you jumping down.

If people put as much effort into becoming better legitimately as they did trying to find ways to exploit the game to gain an advantage then they would be petty good!

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Yes when myself and ZZTop911 joined you we thought what is happening why have we only got pistols and no rocket launchers,so it must have been us joining that started

the glitch.But i did find out that there are a some good shooters with pistols i got nailed a few times.

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This happened to me yesterday for the first time too. The whole level itself is glitched in the way it was built so maybe that could be a reason? Maybe R* is purposely glitching it?! That would be funny :D

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Unless you started this from your bookmarks, it could be a different game.


Yeah, that game we joined did suck. It might of not sucked so bad if I had tried to autolock on the driver after it was in the air. I didn't think of it until after it was over! DUH!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hadn't seen this happen in quite sometime, but it happened during a session we did tonight.  I think it is still corresponding to people joining midstream or after they had been kicked.  It only happened for one round, but I too have seen it where it was pistols the entire match, where only the person spectating will have the pistol for as little as one round or as many as every round, and every variation in between.


As many know, I happen to love this LTS.  Sure, it's absolutely ridiculous looking on the surface, but it's surprisingly well-made for being the map that it is and it's highly entertaining and fun when you're playing it with a good group.  Unfortunately, what I have noticed lately is that most of the randoms who join either stand idle, purposely stand in front of you when you are trying to shoot rockets, or decide to pit you or collide into you head-on whilst driving the Insurgent.  I guess I can't expect too much from them, but that alone can be a little frustrating.  I am glad they decided to remove the micro SMGs.  That pretty much killed the enjoyment of this while they were there.


What's interesting about this map--not sure about other LTS maps--is that you can only set it for four rounds whilst in a public lobby, but you can go for as many as seven if launched from an invite lobby.  I've never done seven, but I'd love to sometime. :D

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I hadn't seen this happen in quite sometime, but it happened during a session we did tonight.  I think it is still corresponding to people joining midstream or after they had been kicked.  It only happened for one round, but I too have seen it where it was pistols the entire match, where only the person spectating will have the pistol for as little as one round or as many as every round, and every variation in between.


As many know, I happen to love this LTS.  Sure, it's absolutely ridiculous looking on the surface, but it's surprisingly well-made for being the map that it is and it's highly entertaining and fun when you're playing it with a good group.  Unfortunately, what I have noticed lately is that most of the randoms who join either stand idle, purposely stand in front of you when you are trying to shoot rockets, or decide to pit you or collide into you head-on whilst driving the Insurgent.  I guess I can't expect too much from them, but that alone can be a little frustrating.  I am glad they decided to remove the micro SMGs.  That pretty much killed the enjoyment of this while they were there.


What's interesting about this map--not sure about other LTS maps--is that you can only set it for four rounds whilst in a public lobby, but you can go for as many as seven if launched from an invite lobby.  I've never done seven, but I'd love to sometime. :D


I didn't know that!


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I only grow in living soil!
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Well, the out of school "dress stains that survived" are really screwing up this one fun LTS when played from a public lobby. If they are not just standing around doing nothing, they are actively trying to screw up by crashing into your truck, trying to run you down or jumping in your truck as a passenger.

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I only grow in living soil!
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thats happened to me a few times, and once all the rockets got changed to crow bars and on that one your pretty much fucked


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  • 4 months later...

I think those that joined and were lower than rank 100 caused the RPGs to turn into pistols. Just a theory.

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I think those that joined and were lower than rank 100 caused the RPGs to turn into pistols. Just a theory.

It's not fully consistent, but rank doesn't seem to be a factor.

I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!

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