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Random Crew Invites


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I've gotten a dozen or so random crew invites to crews that I've never seen before. Looking though the member list, I don't recognize any of the members as people I've gamed with. Anybody else finding this happening to them?


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I often get other crews invites also


Please don't be offended, it's a small piece of my mind that I chose to expose...

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I've gotten a dozen or so random crew invites to crews that I've never seen before. Looking though the member list, I don't recognize any of the members as people I've gamed with. Anybody else finding this happening to them?


I get a new one about every couple of days.  I think someone finds our page and just starts inviting people at random.  I sometimes get invited to crews from randoms I've played against in TDMs, but usually they are random and I don't recall every seeing the name.

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I haven't seen many recently, but for me it seems to happen later at night job hopping when randoms are involved.

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