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Van Society MVP

VANS Official

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On Saturday 20th July at 20:00 BST for something a little bit different... We will be running a mixed playlist to find out who is the Van Society MVP! You can look forward to a mixture of most of what is available in GTA from racing on Land, Sea and Air to Deathmatches, Captures and Adversary Modes.

This event will be open to Van Society members only and all players must run the VANS tag on the night. We will be using quality job and combat will only make up a small percentage of the jobs on the night.

The playlist will be just over an hour long as to not take up too much of your Saturday evening.

To run this night we will need a minimum of 4 sign ups and a maximum of 8 to make sure we can include a varied job selection.

Sign up below as usual...  

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If you want to get involved & join our events make a post in our public recruitment thread


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Thought I would give this a whirl...

No pressure to sign up my dudes, we will only run this if we have 4 players or more. If it goes well we could run it every other month maybe and keep track of who is the VANS MVP!

01. Chubb








Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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Stick me on reserves as I work til 8 on Saturdays 

No, I didn't misspell Salad 

Vauxhall Corsa D (dead)

Hyundai Coupe TSIII Fanclub

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01. Chubb

02. CatManVP

03. Trashbags








7 hours ago, Aslad said:

Stick me on reserves as I work til 8 on Saturdays 

I am sure we can hold on 15 mins for a gentleman of your stature. 😉 

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Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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6 hours ago, JuniorChubb said:

01. Chubb

02. CatManVP

03. Trashbags








I am sure we can hold on 15 mins for a gentleman of your stature. 😉 

Awww ;)


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No, I didn't misspell Salad 

Vauxhall Corsa D (dead)

Hyundai Coupe TSIII Fanclub

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01. Chubb

02. CatManVP

03. Trashbags

04. doubleg213 (as long as all combat activities facilitate my usual tactics)







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4 minutes ago, doubleg213 said:

(as long as all combat activities facilitate my usual tactics)


Walls shall be built!

Seriously though your call, if you think your driving is good enough that you can carry you through combat then fair play.

Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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  • 2 weeks later...

01. Chubb

02. CatManVP

03. Trashbags

04. doubleg213 (as long as all combat activities facilitate my usual tactics)








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Nice to have another name on the list @SkyeDave, I’ll make sure you like it 👍

Also guys, I was considering a R* Stunt Race, any suggestions?

Also how do you feel about playing with Radars Off all night? We don’t need them for racing and it might make th combat more fun...

Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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Something with Gauntlet in the title iirc, it's around Cypress Flats area. Around the p*sswasser factory etc. 

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1 hour ago, doubleg213 said:

Something with Gauntlet in the title iirc, it's around Cypress Flats area. Around the p*sswasser factory etc. 

I knew you’d call that one, it’s been the only one you could stomach since Cunning Stunts dropped 😂

I was hoping for something more cunning but seeing as you replies I’ll hunt it down and add it.

Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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1 minute ago, Mark Verstappen said:

Catman will be late

Catmans always late 😂

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Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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5 minutes ago, JuniorChubb said:

Catmans always late 😂

So long as the misses isn't late, I'm happy

  • Haha 1

50% Cat 50% Man 110% Bellend

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Thanks for coming along last night guys, a slow start but was good fun and the jobs all worked pretty well.

Thanks to @CatManDoza, @Trashbags And @doubleg213 for coming along 👍

Well done to DoubkeG for winning the playlist to become the first and current holder of the VANS MVP title. A forum award will be winging its way to you ASAP.


Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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