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PSN Members Get One-Time 10% PS Store Discount This Weekend

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Guys, make sure you use your one-time 10% discount in the Playstation Store this weekend.  We are getting a 10% discount and a five day extension to our PS+ membership from the downtime at Christmas.  Here's a link to the article with the discount code and what's included:


Discount Code

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A whole 10%.... Wow, Sony are very generous, I can't contain my excitement any longer.


In all seriousness, I can already see the motivation behind this discount - Sony give out 10% off discount codes, this then causes shit loads of players to buy from the PS Store thinking that 10% off is a huge amount, £50 games now cost £45, the customer hasn't saved much while the sale of digital games increases significantly, thus enabling Sony to profit from the shitty downtime at Christmas. 


The truth is, 10% is not worth going for unless you were already considering a purchase.


I may seem skeptical, I like to think that I'm just a realist.

Edited by DavidCore89
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