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minor ps4 questions


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Can't find these on the web:

1) Do all trophies transfer from ps3 to ps4?

After I did the online transfer all the online ones eventually unlocked, but not SP....although, randomly stunt jumps unlocked.

2) How do you get to the online options menu?

On ps3 it was simply the select button to select helmets, armor, etc. I can't seem to find this one.

3) Started playing SP because I was slow to join MP. Got the weed farm again, and it made me think, can you visit this multiple times playing or is it still only once since they patched it a long time ago?

Thanks guys.


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1. Only GTAO trophies transfer. Story mode you have to start all over.

2. The touch pad

3. Have no idea what the weed farm is. Is that in story mode?

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2) When I use the touch pad it only changes the camera angle. Do I swipe in a certain direction?

3) Yes, SP (single player)

Thanks again.

Guess I get to grind out another platinum....not as bad as having to do online again. Figured that was the case with trophies but figured I'd ask since the stunt jumps populated.


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I guess I'll hijack this thread since I was going to start one similar. I don't have a PS4 yet and am wondering is it really worth the upgrade? Pretty graphics are nice but I have heard and read about a lot of connection issues, server problems, etc. I'd like to shop for a deal after Xmas and I know a lot of the crew has switched over and we also have a lot of new blood on that console.

On the other hand I've experienced very few server problems on the PS3 lately, gameplay is still fun, heists are still coming to ps3, and netflix, HBO GO, Amazon and YouTube still work great. Also GTA V disc has not left my console since I bought the game, I'm not really interested in any other games now and of course XDBX is a big part of that.

So let me ask you PS4 owners,

Can I do Netflix, HOB GO, Amazon, YouTube and Blu-ray Discs on it?

Is it as simple to use as the PS3?

Are the R* server issues as bad as I think they are? I've read that free roam is ok but jobs and playlists are the problem.

Thanks for any insight.

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@Beez, I think it is worth it. Is there server issues? Yes, but not as bad as the PS3.

Plus, the more shit R* packs into the PS3 the worse it will get, I remember when before update 1.10 things were almost great on PS3, hardly every any servers kicks, since then nothing but problems. They even said it in one of the recent announcements how the 3 version can't handle the memory like a 4 so they didn't add FPV to the 3, so what happens as they put more in like heists?

Where as the 4 (may never be perfect), but R* has more options to fix the game than they do on the 3.

If it was just graphics I would say stick with the 3, PS4 is really good, but not $500 good. GTA aside, the PS4 itself is pretty cool and has some really good things built in.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Beez, since I think this slight tangent is relevant to the OP, I'll take a stab at answering.  Especially since I have both consoles and routinely  go back & forth.


Whether it's worth it or not is, unfortunately, going to come to personal preferences.  But here's what I will say:

1. Controller is much better on the PS4.  It's slightly larger and heftier which I personally like.  It has subtle textures where you grip it that keep it from becoming slippery.  The triggers (L2 and R2) are slightly curved outward (vs inward on the PS3) so your finger is not prone to slipping off.  The mini-joysticks are more grippy than their PS3 counterpart.  Then there's the "nice-to-have" features.  The lightbar, is neat.  In story mode it lights up in colours respective to Trevor, Michael and Franklin.  Online it illuminates in Crew Colour.  It flashes red/blue when you have Wanted levels.  The Touchpad is to me...meh.


2. Headset; plugs directly into the controller.  This is interesting as you can roam about the house while your controller is wireless.  Only voice chat channels through the headset.  I like this, others don't.


3.  Console; yes, you can play BluRay and Netflix.  The layout is quite different from PS3 but easy to learn.  You can 'suspend' your game if you don't want to quit then reload in say an hour or so.  GTA loads MUCH quicker, both story mode and online.  I haven't figured out how to play MP4s from my USB stick though, which I could do on the PS3.


4. Graphics.  They are indeed MUCH sweeter.  I find now that playing on the PS3 now, I feel like I need glasses.  Things are just a little blurry.


5.  Cats.  In GTAV on PS4 in story mode...you can kick them.  :)


1. You have to pay for PS+ now.  Apparently that is coming to PS3 as well but not yet.


Okay, gotta run, Goon's PL is starting shortly.


In closing, I will say...if you haven't gotten a bundle deal lined up, look into buying the digital copy of the game vs the hard copy.  Apparently it loads quicker, smoother.




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All of 5 hose items listed are available except HBO Go...I want it myself and it's not available yet on ps4.

Having made the jump, I wouldn't shell out the money for the new version unless I was a diehard, which I'm not. I just don't see the value. I am glad they did a bundle with this or I'd be on ps3 still.

In the long run the ps4 will be the way to go, though.


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I do like the quicker load times. I wasn't a fan of having to for online (I just don't use it enough), but my bundle came with $10 to the store so my year pass was only $40 instead of $50. When I realized that's only $3 a month I thought I was being cheap and just paid for it.


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It's actually too bright. Trying to watch a movie with lights in the room off and you have this bright illuminating controller that you can't turn off is distracting.


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It's actually too bright. Trying to watch a movie with lights in the room off and you have this bright illuminating controller that you can't turn off is distracting.

you can turn it down, but it still seems too bright in a dark room.
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you can turn it down, but it still seems too bright in a dark room.

Yeah, I have it on the lowest setting.

We just move the controller out of sight or cover it with a blanket.

Cool feature, I just wish we had the option to turn it off.

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The larger controller sounds great! I have big hands and the PS3 controllers always felt too small. I had wireless Logitech controllers for the PS2 which were larger and heavier and I really liked them.

Thanks for the input.

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I anticipate HBOGo being available sometime in 2015 especially since HBO will be offered as a stand alone product outside of cable/satellite.

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Talking about the lightbar you can buy decals to cover it. Saw some quite cool designs on amazon and I think I saw you can get some custom ones too so you could get some to look like the crew logo!

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