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Hearse wanted...


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Anyone on PS4 willing to spawn me a Hearse? If that trick of making them spawn with another hearse works on PS4 that is.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I know we had a hearse for some of the photoshoots during the fall (the all white and the one at the cemetery). Cant remember who had one, but I think Ronny or Casey have one.

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SO you gonna hook me up if I can get a few to get online wit ya PB?

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Nice one!

Can the hearse be 2015's unofficial crew vehicle,

for carrying the corpses of our fallen enemies?

Better than getting blood on your cheetah seats :D

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To the owner of the red hearse thank you, for borrow me your pv, even not knowing. Lol

Manage to spawn one for myself and already insured while everyone killing each other with the snow balls.


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Lol. No problem Kudisanga. That is hilarious that you had it. If only i could get on to drive it around. I can help spawn them too when Sony gets there stuff together.

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  • 7 months later...

A hearse, a hearse, my kingdom for a hearse.

If anybody can help me out to make one spawn on the PS3 you would really help me out.

My secondary character has a Hearse, Revbouncer has one, Nicola has one and I think Xyon also has one. Ask any of us when you see us online.

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As much as I want to help. I'm on PS3. Then again I'm tired of receive hearse request as the last few I received were sent at the wrong time as I was busy doing TDM, heist, etc.

A quadratic function can be written in vertex form:

f(x) = a( x-h )^2 + k          *^2 means squared*

The vertex form is helpful because it tells you the location of the vertex (h,k); (x,y)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll hit you up when I get back later this week if that's cool?

Did you still want one of these? I can get you one before or after the PL today.

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I do. I have been trying to get one for a little bit. Having a little trouble getting one to spawn. This and the Thelma and Louise car are on my list.

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